The cereer ladder of a chosen person

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I have an uncle. His name is john. He was walking to a good school, he has written a final exam very well and went to college. He studied Russian. He worked as a teacher. My uncle has lost a job. He was looking for a new job, but he couldn't find any. Then he set up a small batteries business. After a few years he achieved success as a shop owner. He has opened a new chain of shops. He has been become famous and he opened a big company. His products are sent to many countries all owner the world. HE has gained prestige and fame. There have been and worse days in his life but my uncle is carrying on. I admire him.
His name is 'john' (imiona piszemy duzymi literami). He 'was walking' (Co? Jakie to sa bzdury? wyrzuc ten kiepski translator i zacznij sie uczyc jez. ang) to a good school, he 'has written: 9zly czas) a final exam very well and went to (z gdzie przedimek?) college.
My uncle has lost 'a' (zle slowo tutaj) job.
'Then he set up a small batteries business' (to zdanie nie jest jasne, nie wiem czy to byly 'small batteries' czy jego business byl 'small).
He has 'been' (po co to slowo tutaj? co ono dodaje w zdaniu?) become famous and he opened a big company. His products are sent to many countries all 'owner' (zle slowo) the world.
There have 'been and worse' (popraw tu brakuje cos) days in his life (przecinek przed but) but my uncle is carrying on.
His name is John. He went to a good school, he wrote a final exam very well and went to a college.
My uncle has lost job in hios life. It happend 2 years ago.
Then he set up a small business.
He has become famous and he opened a big company. His products are sent to many countries all on the world.
There have been better and worse days in his life, but my uncle is carrying on.
zanim przycisniesz 'wyslij' to przeczytaj jeszcze raz swoj napisany tekst. Poprawiania twoich literowek dlatego ze piszesz szybko, niestety nie tworzy mnie ogromnej przyjemnosci.

He went to a good school, he wrote 'a' THE (dlatego, ze z tego co ja wiem, to byl ten jeden jedyny) final exam very well and THEN went to a college.
My uncle has lost HIS job 'in 'hios' (co to za slowo- ale i tak niepotr). life'. It 'happend' (popraw) 2 years ago.
His products are sent to many countries all 'on' (to jest kalka z polskiego, i duzo razy to poprawiamy tutaj na forum...potrzebujesz slowa OVER) the world.
No i jeszcze slowo CAREER - a nie tak jak napisales
dzieki i sorki ! ;)
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