pomoze mi ktos;p

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
moze mi ktos sprawdzic
1. What is your understanding of the role of Campower and why do you want to work as Campower?

I understand Campower as a person who working at the camp. Campower working is need to great function camp. I have experience working as a waitress and kitchen help. At the Camp I would like to work in the kitchen or meals. I like cleanliness and I'm always full of energy to work. I know that the work can sometimes be hard but I am sure that I take it. I hope that the employer will be satisfied with me. I will do anything to be a good worker.

2. What experience do you have to demonstrate your ability to be flexible, work long hours, sometimes performing tasks that are physically and emotionally demanding and live in a community with strict rules? (e.g. ban on alcohol and adhering to curfew)

I am a disciplined person. I do not like conflicts. My behavior is friendly. I'm a nice person and willing to help other. All what I doing, I do with the smile on my face. I like hard-working, and I think that work long hours is not a problem for me. I have experience in work. I am always full of energy and well set to work. I do not smoke cigarettes and don't drink alcohol. I had never problems with the police.

Cytat: imincia
moze mi ktos sprawdzic
1. What is your understanding of the role of Campower and why do you want to work as Campower?

I understand Campower as a person who workS at A camp. Campower'S work is needED FOR A camp TO FUNCTION. I have experience working as a waitress and kitchen help. At the Camp I would like to work in the kitchen or meals. I like cleanliness and I'm always full of energy to work. I know that the work can sometimes be hard but I am sure that I CAN take it. I hope that the employer will be satisfied with me. I will do anything to be a good worker.

2. What experience do you have to demonstrate your ability to be flexible, work long hours, sometimes performing tasks that are physically and emotionally demanding and live in a community with strict rules? (e.g. ban on alcohol and adhering to curfew)

Nie odpowiedziałaś na pytanie. Masz pokazac na podstawie dotychczasowego doświadczenia, że jesteś elastyczna w pracy, potrafisz pracować w warunkach fizycznie i emocjonalnie wymagających tip.
Napisz, jak było, kiedy pracowałaś w kuchni i jako kelnerka


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