Sprawdzenie rozprawki o dorastaniu.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.

Adolescence is a transitional stage of physical and mental human development generally occurring between puberty and legal adulthood but largely characterized as beginning and ending with the teenage stage. It is unhappiest or happiest time for people?

If we look at this from the good way this is the most pleasant and happiest time in people’s live. When we growing up we start to understand the world and make relationships with others, everyone chooses his/her own way of life.
When we are in a process of becoming an adult we can do so many things that are and forbidden when we are adult such as making crazy things, going on concerts, to disc and etc. so it is time for fun. Also it is time for searching adventures and new experiences. First time we are falling in love, trying to smoke and drink alcohol.
There is to bad way of adolescence. In this time we have limited possibilities. We cannot drive a car or buy beer legally. Some people unluckily fall in love. They feel sad and think that nobody can help them. Teenagers have a lot of problems. They can’t cope with problems like adults. In Poland, 700 teenagers commit suicide every year.

In conclusion, adolescence can be the best time in live but for others can be most miserable time. In my opinion it is time for fun before grey life.

Z góry dzięki.
Znalezienie pierwszego zdania w guglach zajęło mi 3 sekundy. Powinieneś je napisać swoimi słowami, bo porównując je z resztą rozprawki, od razu widać, że sam tego pierwszego zdania nie napisałeś.
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