Pocztówka, prośba o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam napisać pocztówkę do osoby, z którą nigdy wcześniej nie pisałam i mogłaby być moją mamą (więc nie wiem, czy tekst jest... w dobrym tonie i czy mogę takich zwrotów użyć).

Dear Monique

I decided to join the PostCrossing because my classmate received this way a lot of postcards from many countries. As you guess this is my first postcard.
In front of this one you can see the view of my city - Gdansk. This is a wonderful city with fabulous (kamieniczki - niestety nie mogę znaleźć tego słowa w słownikach).
There are many things you can see and places to go.
I hope you enjoy my letter.
Greetings from Poland,
ogolnie ok

Cytat: Ath
Dear Monique

I decided to join the PostCrossing because my classmate received a lot of postcards from many countries in this way. As you can guess this is my first postcard.
The picture on this one shows a view of my city - Gdansk. This is a wonderful city with fabulous historical tenement houses.
There are many sights to see and places to go to.
I hope you enjoy my letter.
Greetings from Poland,


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