Strona bierna-zdania (problem)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam problem z przekształceniem niektórych zdań ze strony czynnej na bierną. Proszę o pomoc.
1.It is high time someone told him to begin working hard.
-It is high time he is told to begun working hard.
2.You must not take anything from my desk.
-Anything from my desk must not be taken.
3.Do they often play tennis?
-Is tennis played often?
4.She might have typed it.
-It might have been typed.
5.You should not throw away the ticket before the jurney is over.
-The ticket should be not thrown away before the journey is over.
6.Normally, they provide us with it.
-Normally, we are provided with it.
7.Someone will serve soft drinks shortly.
-Soft drinks will be served shortly
8.Why didn’t you say that earlier?
-Why whasn’t that said earlier?
9. We can do nothing before they arrive.
-Nothing can be done before they arrive.
10. Has anyone seen my key?
-Has my key been seen?
11.She usually cleans my office. She last cleaned it on Friday.
-My office is usually cleaned by she. It was last cleaned on Friday.
12. Can’t you do anything about it?
13. I will have to check everything again.

12 i 13 nie potrafię ruszyć. Proszę o sprawdzenie zdań. Z góry dziękuję:)
A jakbys sama sprobowala te ostatnie, to jak bys zrobila?
12. Can't be anything done about it? (nie wiem gdzie dać "about it";/)
13. Everything will have to be checked again.

I zastanawiam się cz 9 zdanie nie powinno brzmieć: There's nothing to be done before they arrive.
Pewnie jest masa błędów, ale przynajmniej próbuję...
W 12tym przenies be w inne miejsce. 13 moim zdaniem OK.

Sa bledy w innych tez.
edytowany przez fui_eu: 20 kwi 2011
Czyli w 1. zamias "begun"->"begin"
2. inaczej nie potrafię zrobić :(
6. może: Normally, it is provided with us.
11. zamias she->her
12.Can't anything be done about it?
W #2 moim zdaniem powinno byc NICZEGO NIE WOLNO ....
edytowany przez fui_eu: 20 kwi 2011
2. There isn't anything to be taken from my desk. (?)
Nothing must be taken from my desk.

Chcialbym zeby ktos inny tu tez pomogl.
W #4 bym dodal "przez kogo"
#6 zmien zeby bylo it po normally
nothing can be taken...
1. he were told to begin
must nie moze byc?
edytowany przez fui_eu: 21 kwi 2011
no tak, może, może
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie