Pytania w czasi Present Simple i Past Simple, pomocy.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Dziękuje z góry za każdą pomoc.
Nawet jedno zdanie mi bardzo pomoże, gdyż chciałem się nauczyć patrząc na poprawnie zrobione zdania.

>zwrot o którym mamy stworzyć pytanie<

1.You need to talk to >Paul< about the story in this morning's newspaper.
2.This package should have been taken >to the post office< a long time ago.
3. Tom is >very serious and hardworking<.
4.>Something< will be done about that problem right away.
5. It is >two hundred miles< to New Orleans.
6.Of Stockholm ang Moscow, >Stockholm< is farther north.
7.>My parents< have been living there for three years.
8. We didn't pay attention to >what he said<.
9. I take my coffe >black and sugar<.
10. >A vast area between Tower and Backton< is beaing revived by the London Docklands Developmnet corporation.

11. The longest ang best-known race takes place >in Alaska<.
12.The paintings can be seen >in rock art galleries ang other rock sites.<
13. The alien were >rather firendly but careful; some of them were shy and reserved<
14. The CIA killed Marlin Monroe >to protect America's secrets.<
15. Nylon brushes work especially >well<.
16. Techno is inspired by >almost all of today's kinds of music.<
17. You are bored with >the same old routine<.
18. She accuses him of >lying<.
19. The car cost >as little as 2000$<
20. She is >arrogant and dominating<

21. They >were driving home< when they saw an accident.
22. Pete works for >british Telecom<.
23. I get up >at eight o'clock< in the morning.
24. Their new house coat >a fortune<.
25. I have known him for >five years<.
26. A lead is >a part of tree<.
27. Electric bulb was invented by >Edison<.
28. The aren't trained in >first aid<.
29. The room I was stauing in was >very spacious<.
30. >they<'re worried about the results of the exam.

1 Who do you need to talk to...?


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