Sprawdzenie zadania.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie zadania.
Ułożyłem sobie taki o to fikcyjny plan dnia (wpierw po polsku potem przetłumaczyłem sobie na angielski).
Na podstawie wymyślonego planu dnia miałem ułożyć zdania. Proszę sprawdzić czy wszystko gra.

08:00 meeting with financial advisor
09:00 meeting with commercial department
10:00 e - mail replies
11:00 business appointment with a client
13:00 collect important documents from accounting department
14:00 lunch break
15:00 Sandra's birthday - call!
16:00 take company car to the garage

1. It’s eight o’clock. What is he doing? He's having a meeting with financial advisor.
2. It’s nine o’clock. What is he doing? He's having a meeting with commercial department.
3. It’s ten o’clock. What is he doing? He's answering e-mails.
4. It’s eleven o’clock. What is he doing? He's having a business appointment with a client.
5. It’s one o’clock. What is he doing? He's picking important documents up from accounting department.
6. It’s two o’clock. What is he doing? He's having a lunch break.
7. It’s three o’clock. What is he doing? He's calling Sandra. It's her birthday.
8. It’s four o’clock. What is he doing? He's taking a company car to the garage.
brak kilku przedimkow
a financial
the commercial
the accounting
samochod sluzbowy - chyba ten, ktory ma, a nie 'jakis samochod sluzbowy'? the

poza tym ok
Te przedimki jak rozumiem mają występować i w planie dnia jak i w zdaniach tak?

08:00 meeting with a financial advisor
09:00 meeting with the commercial department
10:00 e - mail replies
11:00 business appointment with a client
13:00 collect important documents from the accounting department
14:00 lunch break
15:00 Sandra's birthday - call!
16:00 take company car to the garage

1. It’s eight o’clock. What is he doing? He's having a meeting with a financial advisor.
2. It’s nine o’clock. What is he doing? He's having a meeting with the commercial department.
3. It’s ten o’clock. What is he doing? He's answering e-mails.
4. It’s eleven o’clock. What is he doing? He's having a business appointment with a client.
5. It’s one o’clock. What is he doing? He's picking important documents up from the accounting department.
6. It’s two o’clock. What is he doing? He's having a lunch break.
7. It’s three o’clock. What is he doing? He's calling Sandra. It's her birthday.
8. It’s four o’clock. What is he doing? He's taking the company car to the garage.

Teraz ok?
w planie dnia pomijamy przedimki - to tzw. styl skrotowy
Acha dziękuję za informację.

Czyli plan dnia zostawiam bez zmian a w ułożonych zdaniach dodam te przedimki.


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