Częsciowe tłumaczenie na angielski.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.

1. The food doest not taste (tak dobrze jak) .as good as. the last time.
2.They should start thinking ( o sobie).about themselves. not just about their children.
3.Janice was wondering(gdzie spotkała) .where she had met. that strabge man before.
4.When(zawiadomiono nas).inforemed us. about the final decision ?
5. The climate in Poland is ( o wiele za zimnu). is much more too cold. for growng oranges.
6.Do you really want(zebysmy nie zapraszali) .us to not invite. Maggie tomorrow ?
7.Mr Herriot promised to explain (powód swojej wizyty) .the reason of his visit. after dinner.
8.The tickets for the concert( są sprzedawane).are selling. right now in the box office across the hall.
9.One of my granfathers was a layer and(drugi). the second one. had a small business.
10.(Nie będzie).It will not be. too many people to help us, I'm afraid.

1.How long(dzieci czekają) .kids was waiting. for the cartoon to begin ?
2.They were standing(naprzeciwko siebie) .opposite one another. without saying a single word.
3.I need a new passport. I'm going to a photo studio tomorrow to (zrobic zdjęcie). take a photo.
4.I wish I knew(Ile Robert zapłacił). how much Robert had paid. for the second-hand Jaguar.
5.Patricia will never lend you money( chyba, ze bedzie pewna). if she would be sure. you will return it soon.
6.We have( za mało informacji).too less informations. to make a final decision.
7.( Nie jedzmy) .Let's not to drive. to Greece this year. I'm sure we can find something cheaper.
8.Would you mind(zadzwonic).to rind. a little later? Mr Morris is not available now.
9.They(niepotrzebnie się martwili) . were unnecessarily worried. about me. I wasn't exposed.
10. Why didn't you tell us you 'd be so late ? We( nie czekalibysmy) .would not wait. for you.

1.( Wolelibysmy) .We prefer. you didn't decide without talking to us.
2.That new boyfriend of yours( nie jest ani przystojny, ani inteligetny) is neither handsome nor intelligent.
3.Money(to nie jest).is not. the most important thing is life.
4.Our flat( nie było malowane) .hasn't been painted. since we moved in.
5.What(skłoniło cię do wyjscia).persuaded you to leave. without saying goodbye to anybody ?
6.I' ll never get used( do wstawania). to get up. at six a.m.
7.(Gdyby nie moi rodzice).Unless my parents. I wouldn't be able to rent such a big flat.
8.George will go on holiday(jak tylko skonczy) .as soon as he finish . writing the book.
9. I am sure it was not a mistake. She did it(specjalnie).specially.
10.Mr Starr insisted(zeby mu powidziec) . on telling. the whole truth.

1 I don't think my brother will study chemistry; he is(znacznie mniej).much less. interested in science than in literature.
2.Derek has very strict principles. Not only( nie pije) .he doesn't drink., but he doesn;t smoke either.
3. The moment I entered the house, someone(zgasił swiatło). had switched off the light.
4.(Uważa się, że Anna) .Anna is thought. to have an exeptional talent for languages.
5. If you are thinkig of getting into a good university, it is essential(zebys sie przygotował). to prepare. for the exam.
6.I have alway preferred good comedies(od horrorów) .to horrors.
7.Isn't it about time( zeby Martin zaczął szukac pracy). to Martin for searching a job. ?
8.You can have(albo herbaty albo kawy) either tea or coffee.
9.Next month my grandparents(będą małzeństwem). will have been married.for fifty years.
10.Why did Fiona ask you( zebys nie otwierał). to not open. this envelope ?

Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie.
1. The food 'doest' (blad ortog) not taste as good as IT DID the last time.
3.Janice was wondering(gdzie spotkała) .where she had met. that 'strabge' (ortog) man before.
4.When(zawiadomiono nas).''inforemed' (blad ortog) us.' (to jest zle, bo nie przetlumaczyles dobrze) about the final decision ?
5. The climate in Poland is ( o wiele za zimnu). is much 'more' (niepotr) too cold. for growng oranges.
6.Do you really want(zebysmy nie zapraszali) .us 'to not' (zla kol slow) invite. Maggie tomorrow ?
7.Mr Herriot promised to explain (powód swojej wizyty) .the reason 'of' FOR his visit. after dinner.
9.One of my granfathers was a 'layer' (dziwne slowo) and(drugi). the second one. had a small business.
10.(Nie będzie).'It' (popraw) will not be. too many people to help us, I'm afraid.
1.How long(dzieci czekają) .'kids was' (co to jest myslisz l. mn z l. poj - nie mieszaj - kids- to mnie sie wydaje l. mnoga, ale 'was' odnosi sie do l. poj) (ale i tak masz to zle) waiting. for the cartoon to begin ?
3.I need a new passport. I'm going to a photo studio tomorrow to (zrobic zdjęcie). 'take a photo' (Nie, to niema sensu - bo przeciez TY nie bedziesz tego robil - tylko bedzie twoje robione).
5.Patricia will never lend you money( chyba, ze bedzie pewna). 'if' (to jest calkowicie zle slowo) she would be sure THAT. you will return it soon.
6.We have( za mało informacji).'too less' (nie, nie - to jest smieszne - pomysl) 'informations' (niestety to jest rzecz. niepoliczalny) to make a final decision.
7.( Nie jedzmy) .Let's not 'to' (nieptr) drive. to Greece this year. I'm sure we can find something cheaper.
8.Would you mind(zadzwonic).'to rind' (zly czas). a little later? Mr Morris is not available now.
10. Why didn't you tell us you 'd be so late ? We( nie czekalibysmy) .would not 'wait' (zly czas). for you.
1.( Wolelibysmy) .We (tu brak cos - pomysl o modalu) prefer IF you didn't decide without talking to us.
6.I' ll never get used( do wstawania). to 'get' (zly czas) up. at six a.m.
7.(Gdyby nie moi rodzice).'Unless' (to jest calkowicie zle-pomysl) my parents. I wouldn't be able to rent such a big flat.
8.George will go on holiday(jak tylko skonczy) .as soon as he 'finish' FINISHES . writing the book.
9. ok
10.Mr Starr insisted(zeby mu powidziec) . on 'telling' (nie, bo tutaj wychodzi, ze to on mowil prawde, a nie ktos inny jemu). the whole truth.
1 ok.
2.Derek has very strict principles. Not only( nie pije) '.he doesn't' (pomysl o tym i zla kol slow) drink., but he doesn't smoke either.
3. The moment I entered the house, someone(zgasił swiatło). 'had' (niepotr) switched off the light.
5. If you are 'thinkig' (ortog) of getting into a good university, it is essential(zebys sie przygotował). THAT YOU 'to' (niepotr) prepare. for the exam.
7.Isn't it about time( zeby Martin zaczął szukac pracy). 'to' (zle slowo) Martin 'for' (zle slowo) 'searching' (zle slowo) (brak cos) a job. ?
10.Why did Fiona ask you( zebys nie otwierał). 'to not' (zla kol slow) open. this envelope ?

15 dobrze/25 zle.
8.The tickets for the concert( są sprzedawane).are selling. right now in the box office across the hall.

napewno OK?
Cytat: fui_eu
8.The tickets for the concert( są sprzedawane).are selling. right now in the box office across the hall.

napewno OK?

Nie, dobrze ze zauwazyles. (tam jest zly czas).
No to 14 dobrze/26 zle. - nie zachwycajaco.
9. I am sure it was not a mistake. She did it(specjalnie).specially.

Ja bym wybral inne "specjalnie", w sensie: "celowo".


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