czy mógłby ktoś sprawdzić?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam . Mam do przygotowania prezentacje na egzamin i chciałbym prosić o Waszą pomoc

Good morning
My name is xxx. I am 22 years old and I am from Kutno. I am studying at the technical University of Łódź. I am doing a course of civil engineering of faculty of Civil Engineering ,architecture and Environment engineering . i am preparing myself to write my BSC and i have to decide what the topic of my bsc will be. i hope that i will deal with Steel structures.
After graduation I would to continue my studies here and obtain master’s degree.
In the future I want to work as a project manager for a building contractor for instance mostostal or Skanska.
In addition for my studies I enjoy playing football and watching films. My hobby is automotive . I like reading magazines about that and and enjoy driving and repairing my car.
I am (currently) studying at the Technical University of Łódź. I am 'doing a course of' (nie to niepootr - lepiej 'Reading civil engineering AT THE 'of' (niepotr) Faculty of Civil Engineering ,Architecture and Environment Engineering. I am preparing myself to write my BSC THESIS and 'i' (a od kiedy piszemy 'i;' mala litera?!!-) have to decide 'what' (niepotr) the topic of my 'bsc (matko, rece opadaja - to ma byc DUZYMI/WIELKIMI literami) will be' THESIS.. 'i' (popraw) hope that 'i' (popraw) will 'deal with' DISCUSS Steel structures.
After graduation I would (tu cos brak) to continue my studies here and obtain MY Master’s degree.
In the future I want to work as a project manager for a building contractor for instance 'mostostal' (dlaczego do chj nie dajesz duzych liter na nazwy wlasne?) or Skanska.
In addition 'for' (zle slowo) TO my studies I enjoy playing football and watching films. My hobby is 'automotive' (zla czesc mowy) .
Good morning
My name is xxx. I am 22 years old and I am from Kutno. I am currently studying at the Technical University of Łódź. I am reading civil engineering at the Faculty of Civil Engineering ,Architecture and Environment Engineering . I am preparing myself to write my BSC thesis and I have to decide the topic of my BSC will be ‘Thesis ()’. I hope that I will ‘deal with’ discuss Steel structures.
After graduation I would like to continue my studies here and obtain my Master’s degree.
In the future I want to work as a project manager for a building contractor for instance Mostostal or Skanska.
In addition to my studies I enjoy playing football and watching films. My hobby is motorization. I like reading magazines about that and enjoy driving and repairing my car.

i jak teraz ?
Good morning
My name is xxx. I am 22 years old and I am from Kutno. I am currently studying at the Technical University of Łódź. I am reading civil engineering at the Faculty of Civil Engineering ,Architecture and Environment Engineering . I am preparing myself to write my BSC thesis and I have to decide the topic of my BSC will be, but I hope that I will ‘deal with’ discuss Steel structures.
After graduation I would like to continue my studies here and obtain my Master’s degree.
In the future I want to work as a project manager for a building contractor for instance Mostostal or Skanska.
In addition to my studies I enjoy playing football and watching films. My hobby is motorization. I like reading magazines about that and enjoy driving and repairing my car.

i jak teraz ?[/quote]
Teraz lepiej, ale popraw jeszcze -
I am currently studying at the Technical University of Łódź. I am reading Civil Engineering (duze litery to nazwa wlasna) at the Faculty of Civil Engineering ,Architecture and Environment Engineering . I am preparing myself to write my BSC thesis and I have to decide WHAT the topic of my BSC will be, but I hope that I will DECIDE UPON Steel structures.
After graduation I would like to continue my studies 'here' (a 'here' to gdzie to jest W Lodzi, w Polsce? musisz napisac) and obtain my Master’s degree.
In the future I want to work as a project manager for a LARGE building contractor 'for instance' SUCH AS Mostostal or Skanska.
In addition to my studies I enjoy playing football and watching films. My hobby is 'motorization' (NIE - tutaj daj CARS albo MOTORING).


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