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What thing did you most enjoy about your school life in your country?

Poland is a country where students have to learn many difficult things. They have to work hard to find a good job. Happily school life is not only learn, but also a little fun.
I’m going to the best school in the voivodship. My school is so good not only because of good teachers or students, but because of style of teaching.
I really enjoy the polish lessons. Often we have some presentations about the novel we are talking about at that time or about the age we are studying.
I also delight the English lessons. Sometimes we watch films in English and then we discuss about them.
I enjoy also a few things about my school life in Poland. I like very much such events like: połowinki or studniówka. Połowinki is a formal school dance when we are in half-way our education in high school. Studniówka is also this kind of ceremony but more formal than połowinki. Studniówka is a hundred days before high school finals. Everybody are elegantly dressed and they dance, talk and have fun all night.
That two festivities are form me the most pleasant.


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