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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
I'm happy that you are interests my person. I read your aplication and mail and I can to say that you are nice family and you lkie active life. I decided to be au pair becouse I realy like children and being au pair gives me the change to do what iI like to do: take care of children, improve my english, get to know new people and culture. My parents are happy that I can to come tru my dreams, but they are sad that i will be away home, but they don;t worried becouse thay kow that I;m responsilbe person. I have had driving licence for 9 months and I drive every day. I've never taken care of childern under 2 years or childern who stiil in diapers. I think that I;ll cope with 3 childern becouse (I think) that I 'm creative person.
Dear XYZ,
I'm happy that you are interested in my person (nie jestem pewna czy w angielskim są tego typu zwroty). I read your aplication and mail and I can say that you are nice family and you like active life. I decided to be an au pair because I realy like children. Besides, being an au pair gives me the chance to do what I like to do: take care of children, improve my English, get to know some new people and culture. My parents are happy that I can come through my dreams, but they are sad that I will be away from home, but they don't worry because they know that I'm a responsilbe person. I have had the driving licence for 9 months and I drive every day. I've never taken care of children under 2 years old or childern who are stiil in diapers. I think that I'll cope with 3 children because I'm a creative person.
Yours Faithfully, (albo "Dear Sincerely" jeśli zaczniesz nie "Dear Sir" tylko pisząc z nazwiskiem czyli "Dear Mr Brown")
Twoje imię

Pamiętaj, że po "can" nie ma "to do sth", zwracaj uwagę na pisownię bo było sporo literówek, chociaż część się powtarzała więc być może nie wiesz jak to pisać. Nie "becouse" tylko "because". Pamiętaj także o rodzajnikach i o pożegnaniu w liście.
I have read your application...

I decided
>to be an au pair because I realy like children. Besides, being an au
>pair gives me the chance to do what I like to do: take care of
>children, improve my English, get to know some new people and culture.

what I like to do most:
get to know new people

>My parents are happy that I can come through my dreams, but they are
>sad that I will be away from home, but they don't worry because they
>know that I'm a responsilbe person.

...that my dreams will come true.....from home. But don't worry because...

>I think that I'll cope with 3 children because I'm a creative person.

Napisz "I believe" - brzmi bardziej pewnie
I believe that I'll cope with 3 children without any problems because I'm a creative person and can think of lots of fun activities that the children surely will enjoy.
dziekuje wam bardzoooooooooooooo, :))))))))))))


Pomoc językowa


FCE - sesja zimowa 2005