Proszę o sprawdzenie artykułu

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Polecenie: An English-language magazine for students of your age is running a series of articles entitled 'I've always wanted to...' in which young people write about an activity they'd be keen to try. Write your article for the magazine in 120-180 words.

Flying like a bird

You may be wondering how can be feeling about Flying like a Bird? I often wonder how it looks like.
Sky-diving it can be the most extreme event in your life. When you fall down, you can feel completely freedom. You think that you are being able to get anything you want. It’s amazing! In my opinion everyone dream to feel like that.
Another thing is that parachute jumping can give you the opportunity to overcome the fear of heights. But nobody shouldn’t push you to do this.
While if you are a crazy about dangerous adventure, for example rock climbing or scuba diving you must try sky-diving! I’m sure don’t regret.
It’s only one problem to dream come true. If you are a beginner you must spend a lot of money to pay for training and the flight. But I think that this adventure is worth it.
"You may be wondering how can be THE feeling about Flying like a Bird?" how=jak i potem reczownik (feeling) ? mień "how", 'can' zamianiełabym na 'is'
"Sky-diving it can be the most extreme event in your life" - przecinek albo wykreśl "it"
"you can feel completely freedom" - zmień na przymiotnik
"You think that you are being able to get anything you want"
"everyone dream to feel like that" - 3os
"While if you are a crazy about dangerous adventure"
"I’m sure [who] don’t regret"
"It’s (there is) only one problem to (brak czasownika) dream come true."
Dziękuję za pomoc :)


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