What is health care like in Poland?Write text (about 120-150 words).Answer the questions below.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Potrzebował bym sprawdzenia pracy tresc brzmi :What is health care like in Poland?Write text (about 120-150 words).Answer the questions below.

*Structure:Who controls health care? How is it organized?
*Scale:How many people are employed?
*Funding:How is funded?
*Performance: Is the system of health care efficient? Are people generally satisfied with it?
Health care in Poland is not the best, and is one of the biggest problems in our country. It is very expensive, and in anticipation of a specialist, you can lose not only a lot of time, health and even lives.
The healthcare system in Poland are the institutions and people who are part of the team and ensure the health of the population. It is based on an insurance model - every insured has the right to health. It is independent of circumstances.
The Polish health care system there is only one organization responsible for meeting the costs of treatment - it is the National Health Fund. It has been brought to life 01.23.2003 year. NHF is a state in possession of the whole of the central unit of money drained from the income of Poles in the form of compulsory health insurance contributions (9% of personal income).
Nie wiem czy to jest dobrze zrobione więc proszę o pomoc !!
edytowany przez Harry94: 15 kwi 2012
zamiast fragmentu z anticipation napisz
while waiting for a specialist consultation
but even, no i lives znaczy, że masz kilka żyć
dalej piszesz: system opieki zdr. w Polsce są instytucjami i ludźmi,
part of a team - ale nie rozumiem sensu calego zdania, przeciez to oczywiste, ze system opieki zdrowotnej dba o zdrowie populacji.
in the Polish health...
posluchaj, transatorem to tlumaczyles?
Troche tlanslatorem i troche opierałem sie na przykładzie z podręcznika
Troche pozmieniałem teraz lepiej ?
Health care in Poland is not the best, and is one of the biggest problems in our country.
It is very expensive, and in anticipation of a specialist, you can lose not only a lot of time and health in some cases even their lives.
The health system (NHS) in Poland is based on the model of insurance for each insured person is entitled to health care. It is independent of circumstances. The scope of services provided and the conditions thereof defined in the relevant laws such as on health care, health care services financed from public funds.
The basic element of the health care system is a doctor (usually a specialist in family medicine). He primarily provides health benefits. His duty is to carry out disease prevention and treatment of patients saved him. Sometimes it seems justified cases, referral to a specialist clinic (eg, psychiatric or cancer) or to the hospital.
nis skorzystales z moich sugestii, ktore podalem wyzej.
wiem bo chciałem zmienić treśc ale tak aby pasowała bardziej do tego początku.
Co o tym sądzisz ? Dobrze jest to zrobione czy zrobić to jeszcze inaczej ?
przeczytaj jeszcze raz moje propozycje poprawek
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia