Sprawdzenie dłuższych prac

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Chciałabym prosić o sprawdzenie 4 prac.

Dear Bill,
Thank you for your letter. I’m sorry that you had to wait for my response for so long, but you know that I’ve been very busy recently.
You asked me what I liked about the chapter – well, the places to visit which you chose are very interesting. I’ve been at Craig’s Royal Hotel restaurant and I agree that it has wonderful meals and atmosphere. I also liked the way in which you’ve written the chapter – it will certainly make the guide book worth buying.
You’ve made some mistakes in the chapter, though. Parking in the city centre is allowed only on Flower Street. You mustn’t park anywhere else. You’re also incorrect about museum opening times. It’s open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., not to 8 p.m., as you’ve written.
One of my suggestions is to include a map of the town. It will make the parking instructions and museums’ locations more understood. You should describe a nightlife in the town too. Write something about the Basement Club and the outdoor parties organized every summer.
I think that’s all. Thanks for considering my opinion.
See you soon,

It was only a small mistake but it changed my life for ever. But let’s start from the beginning.
I work as a journalist. My boss asked me to make an interview with a brand new star – Lizzie McCoy. I didn’t even know how she looked like, but I browsed her name on Google and memorized her face. I made arrangements to meet her in a week’s time in a small café. When the day came, I was very busy writing an article about a serial killer in our town – it was a hot story! As a result, I turned up late at the interview. As I came into the café, I noticed her sitting alone and sipping wine. I presented myself to her and started asking her about her hobbies, career plans et cetera. I was so absorbed by the article I had been writing earlier that I didn’t notice that she was a bit confused about the questions. At a certain moment I called her Lizzie and then she said she was actually Kathy. Only then did I realize I mistook her for Lizzie! She laughed when I explained it to her and apologised. Eventually she gave me her phone number and as soon as I got home I called her.
We’ve been dating for 3 months now and in secret I can say I’m going to get engage to her. The small mistake made me find my future wife.

Dear Mrs Johnson
Thank you for your letter. I am really looking forward to seeing you in my area.
You asked me to help you organise your group’s visit. The dates you have chosen are great! There is a festival on 5-6 July. It is very interesting because performers of all kind have been invited. I am sure everybody will find something for themselves.
The Grand Hotel which you mentioned is not only very nice but also cheap. It is located near the city cetre. It is the most popular hotel in the area so I advise you to book the rooms earlier.
The most interesting shop here is the Carriage. You can buy there some souvenirs, for example postcards, cups, T-shirts, jewellery. The products are of good quality and even not so expensive, so I think everybody will be satisfied.
One of the main sports facilities in my area is the swimming pool. Children can either swim or play water polo. There is also a football pitch near.
Thank you for thinking about me. I would really like to get one of those pretty cups with British flag theme on them, could you buy one for me?
It is a pleasure to help you organize the visit. I am waiting for your response.
Yours sincerely,

Dear Jo,
Thank you for your letter. I must say that I was taken aback by your decision to travel and work in my country.
First of all, if travelling in Poland, you have to remember that it doesn’t rain so often here as it does in England, so be prepared for really hot summer days.
I recommend you to go to the seaside for at least a month, for example to Sopot. It’s not a big city but there are a lot of parties so you wouldn’t be bored. I could spend some time with you as well. We can visit Kraków together – I love this city! Some other interesting places to visit are: Zamość, Kazimierz, Zakopane and Białystok.
If you want to work in my country, you have to improve your Polish – it’s really essential. My uncle will be looking for a new assistant in 6 months’ time so you may apply. We would be able to spend some time together as the company is only 10 km from my home town.
I’m waiting for your response. Please tell me how you coped with all your exams.
I’m sorry that you had to wait for my response for so long, but (ja tutaj dodalabym 'as') you know that I’ve been very busy recently.
You’re also incorrect about (przedimek) museum opening times.
One of my suggestions 'is' (would be) to include a map of the town. It will make the parking instructions and 'museums’ ' (jak mowisz o jednym to 'the museum's) locations more 'understood' (dalabym 'clear'). You should describe 'a' THE nightlife in the town too.

My boss asked me to 'make' (daj tutaj slowo 'get') an interview with a brand new star – Lizzie McCoy. I didn’t even know 'how' WHAT she looked like, but I browsed her name on Google and memorized her face.
I 'presented' (moze lepiej 'introduced') myself to her and started asking her about her hobbies, career plans 'et cetera' (nie, to piszemy 'etc' - ale zauwaz, ze ja zawsze pisze, ze 'etc' to nic nie znaczy - jak mozesz z kims rozmawiac o 'etc' - mozna napisac 'and other things').
We’ve been dating for 3 months now and in secret I can say I’m going to get engageD to her.

It is very interesting because performers of all kindS have been invited.
It is located near the city 'cetre' CENTRE. It is the most popular hotel in the area so I WOULD advise you to book the rooms earlier.
I would really like to get one of those pretty cups with (przedimek) British flag theme on them, could you PLEASE buy one for me?

I recommend you to go to the seaside (for example Sopot) for at least a month, 'for example to Sopot' (niepotr). It’s not a big city (przecinek przed 'but') but there are a lot of parties so you wouldn’t be bored.
Dziękuję za wskazówki :)


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