Czy to jest poprawne ?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy zadane przeze mnie pytania są poprawne gramatycznie ? (czas Past Simple)

When they discover this island ?

(There was nothing to worry about.) Where was nothing to worry about?

(This accident happened 3 years ago.) What happen 3 yaers ago?

(The doctors did their best to save her.) (What did the doctors ?

(The children were in the farthest part of the forest.) Where were the children ?

(All the people were happy and excited.) Who were happy and excited ?

(The price of petrol rose because of the Middle East conflict.) Why the price of petrol rose?

(Finally she succeeded in achieving her aim.) When she succed in achieving her aim?

Sprawdzcie mi to prosze. Pytania miały być do tych zdanek w nawiasach. Bardzo dziękuję !
1. When did they discover this island?

2. Was there nothing to worry about?

3. What happened three years ago?

4. What did the docotrs do?

5. To zdanie jest poprawne

6. Who was happy and excited?

7. Why did the price of petrol rise?

8. When did she succeed in achieving her aim?

Pozdrawiam =)


CAE - sesja zimowa 2005