
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
dostałam taki temat na angielskim english threatens the world's divesity.
prosze o sprawdzenie i jesli mozna o dopisaniu kilku zdań.
English is destroying all cultures of world.
English words are replacing many words of other countries since is a scientific language.
He is being used in the business, the politics and many documents for example in Service manual
Very much much on the radio we can hear English songs instead of in the native tongue
More and more he is coming into existence of restaurants which hurried dishes are giving that is fast food and regional dishes are disappearing from the diet.
From the year for the year the number of people is rising which are learning English and aren't knowing the own tongue well.
Very much many companies which are relying on English are formed and it is without the acquaintance of this tongue heavily find work.
jakbym czytała wypracowanie z googlowego tłumacza :)
English threatens the world's diversity.

English is destroying all cultures of (the) world. - wow, to trochę mocna i raczej nieprzemyślana teza. Masz się zastanowić, czy język angielski zagraża kulturowej różnorodności oraz uzasadnić swoją opinię. Czy naprawdę uważasz, że angielski NISZCZY WSZYSKIE KULTURY świata? :)

Reszty nawet nie chce mi się poprawiać, bo błędów jest zatrzęsienie. Najlepiej będzie jeśli napiszesz pracę od nowa. Postaraj się jednak trochę przemyśleć temat. Może łatwiej bedzie Ci się z tezą zawartą w temacie nie zgodzić?

Staraj się pisać proste zdania. Głównie czasy Present Simple i Continuous.
Cytat: mila9922
dostałam taki temat na angielskim english threatens the world's divesity.
prosze o sprawdzenie i jesli mozna o dopisaniu kilku zdań.
English is destroying all cultures of world...

This is unbelievable to me. Sounds pretty much like that degenerate Al Qaeda's rhetoric:


This low-life scum 'celebrity' form the article went along the same lines on facebook.

@both the asker and the doofus who gave her this ‘topic’:

I would put you both chromosomes in Guantanamo Bay and let you rot there till you looked 'ripe' on the outside.

edytowany przez savagerhino: 18 paź 2012
Chyba nie trzeba się aż tak ekscytować :)

Wydaje mi się, że nauczyciel (not bene) angielskiego chciał po prostu skłonić uczniów do refleksji. Wszakże prawdą jest, że angielski określa się mianem "the killer language", bo ubija on powoli np. pomniejsze afrykańskie narzecza, które i tak pewnie byłby skazane na wyginięcie.

A że wypracowanie niemądre... ;)
>>Chyba nie trzeba się aż tak ekscytować :)

I didn't.
And you didn't see me 'excited' yet.
Cytat: idiomatic
Czy naprawdę uważasz, że angielski NISZCZY WSZYSKIE KULTURY świata? :)

'Destroy' is obviously 'too strong' in this case, although a dime a dozen cultures have considerably been influenced by the English language, which goes without saying. The author of this thesis statement may have had in their mind the fact that Americanisation, that is to say, making somebody American in character or in their way of life, threatens the values the people adhere to, and there's a grain of truth in it, I hasten to add.

There's no thesis here. It's only hogwash.
>>>>@both the asker and the doofus who gave her this ‘topic’:

I would put you both chromosomes in Guantanamo Bay and let you rot there till you looked 'ripe' on the outside.

We live in democracy, which means one can air their opinion no matter somebody likes it or not. We are all fuck lovers of America. Do you think if we were in danger they'd come to help us? In your dreams. Every man for himself.
Cytat: savagerhino
There's no thesis here. It's only hogwash.

I don't know what the 'hogwash' mean, but I guess.
>>We are all fuck lovers of America.

And you are a fuck lover of Iran?

Cytat: savagerhino
>>We are all fuck lovers of America.

And you are a fuck lover of Iran?

Why are you saying that? What I was saying above doesn't mean I come out against America. What does Iran have in common with what I wrote about? What threats most today's world is not Islamic fundamentalism that terrorism stems from, which has NOTHING IN COMMON with Islam as such, but a human stupidity manifesting in impossibility of professing religion, which is the first human right that we should respect and allow other people to complete. Would you agree?
>What threats most today's world is not Islamic fundamentalism that terrorism stems from, which >has NOTHING IN COMMON with Islam as such, but a human stupidity manifesting in impossibility >of professing religion, which is the first human right that we should respect and allow other >people to complete.

You don't have any idea what you're talking about because a snotty, brainwashed and ignorant genetically contaminated residue of a mutated post-soviet system.
No, I don't agree because then any emtpy suit schmuck lawyer can get such towelhead off with the involuntary manslaughter while he's been accused of blowing up moms with their tots in a mall. In the main, that’s where your liberalism and democracy may lead to.

>Do you think if we were in danger they'd come to help us?
The current (socialist) administration would certainly not.
> In your dreams.
I don’t have any because I don’t sleep at all.
edytowany przez savagerhino: 18 paź 2012
>>which means one can air their opinion no matter somebody likes it or not

Just one thing, I agree on that and..I would let all these ragheads pray either in Guantanamo Bay or in their mud shacks but only after when the whole area has been ‘sufficiently heated’ by uranium. That’s my opinion. Am I entitled to that?
edytowany przez savagerhino: 18 paź 2012
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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