list spr., pilne

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
pilnie prosze o sprawdzenie i poprawe bledow (nizej tekst zadania i list napisany przeze mnie)

Twoja koleżanka z Anglii zaprosiła Cię do swojego domu na święta Bożego Narodzenia. Napisz do niej list, w którym: -przeprosisz i podasz powód, dla którego nie możesz przyjąć zaproszenia, -opiszesz, jak ty i twoja rodzina przygotowujecie się do świąt i jak je spędzacie, -zaproponujesz spędzenie świąt w twoim domu i powiesz, kogo z Twojej rodziny mogłaby poznać, -obiecasz, że pokażesz jej swoją miejscowość i zabierzesz na jakieś wydarzenie organizowane w okolicy.

Dear Sara,
How are you? What you prep for Christmas?
I wanted to thank you for inviting me, but unfortunately, I won't be able to visit you. I'm sorry, but my grandparents will going to my house, so I must be with my family.
Before Christmas my mum clean the house and decorate the house. I help to decorate a Christmas tree. We buy the tree two days before Christmas and a lot of food.
The Christmas dinner start 5p.m. We have fishs, turkey and pierogies with meat and cabbage. The dinner finish 7p.m. Then we unpack gifts. How about you coming on my Christmas? It will be fun. You could meet all my family. My cousin, Matt will be. He is handsome. I told him about you and he wants to know you.I promise that I will show you my neighborhood. It is really beautiful there. I will take you to some events, that are organized here - Christmas play and New Year's Eve in the market.
Guess what? Santa Claus fell and a him mask fell off year ago, but everybody laughed. It was neighbour! My brother, Nick stop beliving in Santa Claus.
Well, that's all for now. Do drop me a line soon.
Best wishes
prosze o spr.
Dear Sara,
How are you? What your prep for Christmas?
I really appreciate your invitation, but unfortunately, I won't be able to visit you. I'm sorry, but my grandparents are going to my house, so I must stay with my family.
My mum cleans and decorates our house for Christmas. I help to decorate a Christmas tree. We buy the tree and a lot of food two days before Christmas.
The Christmas dinner starts at 5p.m. We have fish, turkey and pierogies with meat and cabbage. The dinner finishes at 7p.m. Then we unpack our gifts. How about you coming on my Christmas? It would be fun. You could meet all my family. My cousin, Matt will be there. He is handsome. I told him about you and he wants to know you.I promise that I will show you my neighborhood. It is really beautiful there. I will take you to some events that are organized here - Christmas play and New Year's Eve in the market.
Guess what? Last year very funny sitation happened. Well, Santa Claus fell, his mask fell off and everybody laughed. It was our neighbour! My brother, Nick stoped bellieving in Santa Claus.
Well, that's all for now. I hope you will drop me a line soon.
Best wishes
Jak taka "poprawka" pomaga uczacym sie?
nastepujace zdania bym poprawil, gdyz od razu narzucily sie w oczy, moze sa i inne, I've just gone through the text:
What your prep for Christmas? (brak czasownika)
How about you coming on my Christmas?
It would be fun. he wants to know you (chce Cie znac, tu ma byc POznac)
Last year very funny sitation happened. (to jest po polsku)
Nick stoped bellieving

edytowany przez grudziu: 13 lis 2012
Ja nawet nie wiem co znaczy PREP w tym kontekscie.
Cytat: fui_eu
Ja nawet nie wiem co znaczy PREP w tym kontekscie.

preparations perhaps.
It must be BrE then.
Cytat: fui_eu
It must be BrE then.

homework po 'ichniemu', co to za jezyk w ogole
Nie bierz sie za poprawianie, jak sama nie za bardzo znasz sie na jezyku...

'What your prep for Christmas?' (nie wiem czy to jest nawet zdaniem...prosze napisac to poprawnie)
I'm sorry, but my grandparents are 'going' (zle slowo) to my house, so I must stay with my family.
I help to decorate 'a' (nie zadne 'a', bo tutaj chodzi o specificzne Xmas tree ktore znajduje sie w domu), Christmas tree.
We have fish, turkey and 'pierogies' (to trzeba po ang) with meat and cabbage.
'How about you coming on my Christmas?' (co? o czym mowa tutaj?)
I told him about you and he wants to 'know' (zle slowo) you. I promise that I will show you my 'neighborhood' (to chyba ma byc w BrE-dlatego, ze US nie uzywaja slowa Christmas tylko holidays - moze ktos mnie tutaj poprawi, jak to nie jest faktem.).
I will take you to some events that are organized here - Christmas play and New Year's Eve (ale co? tutaj cos brakuje) in the market.
Last year (cos brak) very funny 'sitation' (ortog - nie rob takich bledow) happened.
My brother, Nick 'stoped' (ortog) 'bellieving' (co to, mamy co drugie slowo poprawiac ortog - prosze sprawdzac w slowniku zanim cos napiszesz) in Santa Claus.
Prep ? prawdopodobnie chodziło o preparation :) ...hmm i'd say : have things already been squared away for Christmas Eve, haven't they ? If not , We haven't got too much time so we'd better rushed up :)
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 14 lis 2012
before my Christmas my Mum clean (?) .....clean nie pasuje tutaj ,...bardziej had cleaned .
Ponadto lubiłem używać słowa " tidy up " w sensie ogarnąć , posprzątać ...choć to brzmi dużo mniej I've got my room tidy up- " ogarnąłem moj pokój"
edytowany przez Robbertoxx: 14 lis 2012
Why is it HER Christmas?
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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