bardzo prosze o pomoc - Simple Past vs. Past Perfect

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By the time we ......... (come) home, everything ........... (steal) .
I ............ (recall) where I ........... (leave) my purse.

In the car I .......... (realize) I .......,(forget) my passport.

I........... (forget) that I .............(leave) the door open.

I ...........(tell) them that I ..............(never / see) him before.

They ..............(explain) that all the files............. (delete) .

They............ (steal) the car that I ..............(park) in front of the house.

The small mistake that I ...............(notice) in her essay.............. (correct) the next day by another teacher reading the paper after me.

By the time we ...........(get) there, everyone............ (leave) .

The computer .............(infect) several times before I.............. (install) an anti-virus
pomożemy, jeżeli samodzielnie uzupelnisz luki. Na razie chcesz, zeby ktos odrobil za Ciebie prace domowa, a nie pomogl.
A na czym ta pomoc ma polegac? Chyba nie na odrobieniu zadania za Ciebie?
liczylem raczej na jakies wskazowki...

By the time we (came) home, everything (had stolen).

I (recalled) where I (leaved) my purse.

In the car I (realized) I (had forgotten) my passport.

I (forgot) that I (left) the door open.

I (told) them that I (had never seen) him before.

They (explained) that all the files (had deleted) .

They (stole) the car that I (parked) in front of the house.

The small mistake that I (noticed) in her essay (had corrected) the next day by another teacher reading the paper after me.

By the time we (got) there, everyone (leaved) .
The computer (was infected) several times before I (installed) an anti-virus program.

prosze o sprawdzenie i wskazanie w ktorych zdaniach popelnilem blad. bede takze wdzieczny za wyjasnienie dlaczego powinna byc inna wersja odpowiedzi.
edytowany przez hxj: 15 lis 2012
Cytat: hxj
liczylem raczej na jakies wskazowki...

By the time we (came) home, everything (had stolen).<-WSZYSTKO UKRADŁO :-) czas dobry, ale strona bierna!

I (recalled) where I (leaved) my purse. - drugi czasownik ma zla forme i zly czas, przeciez zostawila porttmonetke wczesniej niz sobie o tym przypomniala

In the car I (realized) I (had forgotten) my passport. ok. A w poprzednim zdaniu taka sama sytuacja

I (forgot) that I (left) the door open. znowu taki sam blad jak w nr 2

I (told) them that I (had never seen) him before. OK

They (explained) that all the files (had deleted) . MA BYC STRONA BIERNA

They (stole) the car that I (parked) in front of the house. ZNOWU ZLE

The small mistake that I (noticed) in her essay (had corrected) the next day by another teacher reading the paper after me. NIE NO, POPRAWIENIE BLEDOW NIE ZDARZYLO SIE PRZED ZAUWAZENIEM BLEDU PRZEZE MNIE. POZA TYM ZNOWU NIE UZYWASZ STRONY BIERNEJ

By the time we (got) there, everyone (leaved) . ZLA FORMA CZASOWNIKA I ZLY CZAS
The computer (was infected) several times before I (installed) an anti-virus program. JEDNA CZYNNOSC BYLA ZDECYDOWANIE WCZESNIEJSZA
mg dzięki... a teraz jak to wyglada? :) dalej sa bledy?

By the time we (came) home, everything (had been stolen).

I (recalled) where I (had left) my purse.

In the car I (realized) I (had forgotten) my passport.

I (forgot) that I (had left) the door open.

I (told) them that I (had never seen) him before.

They (explained) that all the files (had been deleted) .

They (stole) the car that I (had parked) in front of the house.

The small mistake that I (had noticed) in her essay (was corrected) the next day by another teacher reading the paper after me.

By the time we (had gotten) there, everyone (leaved) .

The computer (had been infected) several times before I (installed) an anti-virus program.
By the time we (GOT/had gotten) there, everyone (HAD LEFT) .
wielkie dzieki
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Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


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