Bardzo prosze o sprawdzenie pracy! Ważne!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam. Muszę nakręcić film o mieście, a nie mam nikogo, kto mógłby mi to sprawdzić. Mam nadzieję, że tutaj ktoś mi szybko pomoże!

Pruszkow is a town in central Poland, situated in the Masovian Voivodeship since 1999 and it’s the capital of Pruszków County, located along the western edge of the Warsaw urban area. In this city, I live all my life.
I want to show you, what is interesting in my hometown.

1. Kraszewskiego street
This street is a representative promenade of Pruszkow. Here you can see court of law building, seat of president – Jan Starzyński and a lot more.

2. St. Kazimierz Church
This church was built in 1903 to 1983 in Romance-Gothic style. It is one of the biggest churches in my city.

3. Potulickich Park
This park is one of the most valuable object associated with the past of Pruszkow. In the south-western part of the park is a classical palace of the nineteenth century. Until 1945, it was owned by the family Potuliccy, now it is Civil Status Office.

4. Museum of Ancient Mazovian Metallurgy
An archaeological institution with a history department that deals with the history of 19th and 20th-century Pruszków, located in the backyard of the Potlicki family court, built in the second half of the 19th century. The activity of the institution is focused on the research of ancient and early Medieval Mazovia, with particular emphasis on the metallurgical plant of the Równina Łowicko-Błońska from the second to the fourth century.

5. Education
In Pruszków therw are 16 kindergardens, 8 primary schools, 4 junior high schools and 8 high schools.
My school is Junior School number 4 with the name of John Paul II.

6. BGŻ Arena
The BGŻ Arena is a velodrome in Pruszków. Opened in 2008 as Poland's first indoor velodrome. The track is 250 metres long and made of Siberian Pine. It has seats for 1800 people.

7. Stadium Znicz
It is a football stadium where Znicz players play matches.

8. Numerous monuments
In Pruszków, there are many monuments commemorating people shot by the Nazi occupiers.

9. ‘’Kapry’’ swimming pool
If you want to relax, you can go to this swimming pool. You can go swim, to sauna or on aquaerobic!

10. St. Joseph Church
The other, big church, is St. Joseph Church. It is located in second part of my city. It was built in 1984 to 2008.

Pruszkow is very nice city and I really recommend to come here!

To jest bardzo ważna dla mnie praca i będę niezmiernie wdzięczna jak ktoś poprawi mi błędy. Niestety muszę to mieć na dziś więc baardzo proszę o pomoc!!
dlaczego mamy poprawiac cos, co przepisalas z wikipedii?
Tylko kilka informacji przepisałam z wikipedii. Niestety nie miałam innych informacji. Przepisałam może 3-5 informacji. Resztę pisałam sama lub z pomocą słownika.
Chodzi mi czy nie ma jakiś błędów gramatycznych i czy może być taka praca.
Tę pracę muszę nagrać jak czytam.
rto może łaskawie wskażesz, co napisałaś sama. Reszty nie powinniśmy sprawdzac, bo to nie są Twoje słowa.
Ok. To jest tekst który napisałam sama lub z pomocą słownika:

In this city, I live all my life.
I want to show you, what is interesting in my hometown.

1. Kraszewskiego street
This street is a representative promenade of Pruszkow. Here you can see court of law building, seat of president – Jan Starzyński and a lot more.

2. St. Kazimierz Church
This church was built in 1903 to 1983 in Romance-Gothic style. It is one of the biggest churches in my city.

3. Potulickich Park
This park is one of the most valuable object associated with the past of Pruszkow. [...] Until 1945, it was owned by the family Potuliccy, now it is Civil Status Office.

5. Education
In Pruszków therw are 16 kindergardens, 8 primary schools, 4 junior high schools and 8 high schools.
My school is Junior School number 4 with the name of John Paul II.

7. Stadium Znicz
It is a football stadium where Znicz players play matches.

8. Numerous monuments
In Pruszków, there are many monuments commemorating people shot by the Nazi occupiers.

9. ‘’Kapry’’ swimming pool
If you want to relax, you can go to this swimming pool. You can go swim, to sauna or on aquaerobic!

10. St. Joseph Church
The other, big church, is St. Joseph Church. It is located in second part of my city. It was built in 1984 to 2008.

Pruszkow is very nice city and I really recommend to come here!

Mam nadzieję, że już jest lepiej. Będę bardzo wdzięczna za pomoc!:)
Cytat: edytar97
Ok. To jest tekst który napisałam sama lub z pomocą słownika:

In this city, I live all my life. - PRESENT PERFECT
I want to show you, BEZ PRZECINKA what is interesting in my hometown.

1. Kraszewskiego street
This street is a representative promenade of Pruszkow. Here you can see PRZEDIMEK court of law building, seat of President Jan Starzyński and a lot more.

2. St. Kazimierz Church
This church was built in [W] 1903 to [D] 1983 in PRZEDIMEK Romance-Gothic style. It is one of the biggest churches in my city.

This park is one of the most valuable object OBIEKTU? associated with the past of Pruszkow. [...] Until 1945, it was owned by the family Potuliccy, now it is Civil Status Office.<- TEGO ZUPELNIE NIE ROZUMIEM, PARK JEST BIUREM?

5. Education
In Pruszków therE are 16 kindergardens, 8 primary schools, 4 junior high schools and 8 high schools.
My school is Junior BRAK SLOWA? School number 4 AND IS NAMED AFTER POPE John Paul II.

It is a football stadium where THE Znicz TEAM playS matches.

8. Numerous monuments
In Pruszków, there are many monuments commemorating people shot by the Nazi occupiers.

9. ‘’Kapry’’ swimming pool
If you want to relax, you can go to this swimming pool. You can go swim ZLA FORMA CZASOWNIKA, ENJOY A sauna or PRACTICE aquaerobic!

10. St. Joseph Church
The other, BEZ PRZECINKA big church, is St. Joseph Church. It is located in PRZEDIMEK second I CO TO ZNACZY' DRUGA CZESC MIASTA'? part of my city. It was built in ZNOWU W... DO... 1984 to 2008.

Pruszkow is PRZEDIMEK very nice city and I really recommend IT TO ALL TOURISTS!

In this city, I have lived all my life.
I want to show you what is interesting in my hometown.

1. Kraszewskiego street
This street is a representative promenade of Pruszkow. Here you can see PRZEDIMEK court of law building, seat of President Jan Starzyński and a lot more.

2. St. Kazimierz Church
This church was built in [W] 1903 to [D] 1983 in a Romance-Gothic style. It is one of the biggest churches in my city. (nie za bardzo rozumiem tego W i D)

3. Potulicki Family Park
This park is one of the most valuable object OBIEKTU? (nie rozumiem :/) associated with the past of Pruszkow. [...] Until 1945, it was owned by the family Potuliccy, now it is Civil Status Office.<- TEGO ZUPELNIE NIE ROZUMIEM, PARK JEST BIUREM? (tu chodzi o pałacyk -> This park is one of the most valuable object OBIEKTU? (nie rozumiem :/) associated with the past of Pruszkow. In the south-western part of the park is a classical palace of the nineteenth century. Until 1945, it was owned by the family Potuliccy, now it is Civil Status Office.)

5. Education
In Pruszków there are 16 kindergardens, 8 primary schools, 4 junior high schools and 8 high schools.
My school is Junior High School (tylko nie wiedziałam czy Junior High School czy Secondary School) number 4 and it named after pope John Paul II.

7. Stadium Znicz<-TO NIE JEST NAZWA STADIONU, TLYKO WLASCICIEL, PRAWDA? (szczerze to nie wiem :( to jeśli to jest własciciel to jak to sformułować?)
It is a football stadium where the Znicz team plays matches.

8. Numerous monuments
In Pruszków, there are many monuments commemorating people shot by the Nazi occupiers.

9. ‘’Kapry’’ swimming pool
If you want to relax, you can go to this swimming pool. You can go swimming (tak?), enjoy a sauna or practise aquaerobic!

10. St. Joseph Church
The other big church, is St. Joseph Church. It is located in a second I CO TO ZNACZY' DRUGA CZESC MIASTA'? (chodzi że na innym osiedlu, troche dalej od pierwszego kosiola) part of my city. It was built in ZNOWU W... DO... (to jak to napisać?) 1984 to 2008.

Pruszkow is a very nice city and I really recommend it to all tourists!

Mógłbys jeszcze odpowiedziec mi na pyania zadane w tekscie? niektorych rzeczy nie zrozumialam :(
Cytat: edytar97
In this city, I have lived all my life.
This church was built in [W] 1903 to [D] 1983 in a Romance-Gothic style. It is one of the biggest churches in my city. (nie za bardzo rozumiem tego W i D)

budowany od... do

This park is one of the most valuable object OBIEKTU? (nie rozumiem :/)
jeden z obiektu

5. Education
In Pruszków there are 16 kindergardens, 8 primary schools, 4 junior high schools and 8 high schools.
My school is Junior High School (tylko nie wiedziałam czy Junior High School czy Secondary School) number 4 and IS named after pope John Paul II.

7. Stadium Znicz<-TO NIE JEST NAZWA STADIONU, TLYKO WLASCICIEL, PRAWDA? (szczerze to nie wiem :( to jeśli to jest własciciel to jak to sformułować?) ZNICZ STADIUM
It is a football stadium where the Znicz team plays matches.

10. St. Joseph Church
The other big church, is St. Joseph Church. It is located in a second I CO TO ZNACZY' DRUGA CZESC MIASTA'? (chodzi że na innym osiedlu, troche dalej od pierwszego kosiola) part of my city.

W regionie Polski, z ktorego sie wywodze (Kujawy) bardzo powszechne jest wyrazenie ,,w drugiej czesci miasta" :-).
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.