Proszę o sprawdzenie pocztówki ;)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie pocztówki ;)

Dear Mark,
How are your holiday? I envy you , you are in Australia.
I'm in Dublin. It's a big city in Europe. I'm on English course. I have a lot of activities every day. I have English lessons in the morning. I climb mountains at 3. The weather is sunny . I have a lot of new friends and this is very important for me. That is fun. I have new boyfriend.
See you soon!
Best wishes!
How are your holiday? I envy you , you are in Australia. /wstaw np. traveling, being, studying/
I'm in Dublin. It's a big city in Europe. I'm on English course. I have a lot of activities every day. I have English lessons in the morning. I climb mountains at 3. The weather is sunny . I have a lot of new friends and this is very important for me. That is fun. I have new boyfriend.
+ uzupelnij brakujace przedimki.
How are your holiday? (a dlaczego przepuszciles to przez translator? i to jeszcze kiepski?) I envy you , (tu cos brak) you are in Australia.
I'm on (brak przedimka) English course.
I climb mountains at 3 (ale czego?) .
I have (a gdzie przedimek?) new boyfriend.
dziękuję ;)
czyli nie mozna powiedziec How are your holiday?
how are your holiday = jak się mają twoje wakacje, co u twoich wakacji

ok rozumiem ;)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.