Proszę o sprawdzenie, (mini wypracowania).

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie, są to moje własne streszczenia z paru tematów literatury angliekskiej. Z góry dziękuje (:

1. Elizabethan Drama:
The drama was the main form of art during the Elizabethan age. It fluorished much because theatre appelled to all social classes. Plays could be understood by the illiterate, the largest part of the population and the language was less artificial and more direct and alive than of poetry. (tu coś mi nie gra ale nie wiem co) Drama developed much also thanks to the development of a mercantile society in which the newly theatres could prosper as commercial enterprises. At the beginning theatres weren't bulit inside the city walls because the authorities were hostile to them because there was a spread of illnesses. However the Privy Cuncil and Elizabeth supported them and drama could develop in the suburbs, especially in Southwark, beyond the authorities' control. Paywrighters, for writing their plays, borrowed freely from material already known ad older plays, sermons and ballads. Thanks to the spread of translations, Italian plays become the sources of much ELizabethan theatre, together with the influence of Italian "commedia dell'arte". The English stage also owed to the works of Niccolo Machiavelli in the display of horrors, unnatural crimes, vice and corruption. On the other hand the Elizabethan theatre shared many features with the Greek in their attempt to remove the psychological barrier between the audience and the actors. English theatres were also influenced by Seneca in the division of the play into five acts, in the tragic and bloody incidents, in the taste of revenge and conflicting emotions and passions.

2. Theatres
James Burbage built the first theatre outside the walls of London in 1567. So Elizabethan playwrighters had a stable home. Permanent theatres were circular or octagonal. Within the outer walls there where three tries of roofed galleries, looking down on the stage and the yard, where the poorer spectators stood. The stage itself, called apron stage, was jutted into the yard, so when the theatre was full the actors were surrounded by the audience by three sides. Over the stage the shadow protected the players from the rain and the sun. There were also a tiring house on the rear of the stage, where the actors changed their attire, an inner stage, behind the stage, used for discoveries and concealments and a trap door used by apparitions. There was also an upper stage, hidden by a curtain, used by musicians.

3. Shakspeare
William Shakespeare is the most important playwrighter not only in Elngland but in all over the world. All dates related with him aren't sure. We don't know the day he was born but critics supposed the day of his birth thanks to the certificate of baptism. Maybe he was born a week before he was baptized, probably at Stratford on Avon, in April 1564. He went to London because of economic problems and he started to work as a member of the staff in a theatre. In 1593 the theatres were closed because of the plague and Shakespeare lost his work. In that perioud he was supported by the Earl of Sauthampton, to whom he dedicated some of his poems. When theatres reopened he became a shareholder and the main playwrighter of the Lord Chamberlain's Men. After his death some of his friends published a collection of his plays called First Folio.
edytowany przez kyleXY: 25 lut 2013
'The' (po co to 'the' tutaj jest?) Drama was the main form of art during the Elizabethan age. It 'fluorished' (ortog) 'much' (niepotr) because (brak przedimka) theatre 'appelled' (ortog- troche juz sie nudze poprawiajac a wlasciwie zwracajac uwage na twoje bledy ortograficzne - czy naprawde nie umiesz, czy tylko myslisz, ze mnie jak i innym sprawia to frajde!!) to all social classes. Plays could be understood by the illiterate, the largest part of the 'opulation' (ortog) and the language was less artificial and more direct and alive than (cos tu brak) of poetry. Drama developed 'much also' (co to jest?) thanks to the development of a mercantile society in which the newly (tu albo brak slowa, albo musisz zmienic 'newly') theatres could prosper as commercial enterprises. At the beginning theatres weren't 'bulit' (ortog) inside the city walls because the authorities were hostile to them 'because' (bercause, because - musisz uzyj innego slowa) there was a spread of illnesses. However the Privy 'Cuncil' (hello?) and Elizabeth supported them and drama could develop in the suburbs, especially in Southwark, beyond the authorities' control. 'Paywrighters' (ortog i to jest zle slowo), for writing their plays, borrowed freely from material already known 'ad' (ortog) older plays, sermons and ballads. Thanks to the spread of translations, Italian plays 'become' (popraw) the sources of 'much' (daj inne slowo) ELizabethan theatre, together with the influence of Italian "commedia dell'arte". The English stage also owed (ale co?) to the works of Niccolo Machiavelli in the display of horrors, unnatural crimes, vice and corruption. On the other hand the Elizabethan theatre shared many features with the Greek (co? population, food? musisz napisac) in their attempt to remove the psychological barrier between the audience and the actors.

2. So Elizabethan 'playwrighters' (ortog i zle slowo) had a stable home.
Within the outer walls there 'where' (dlaczego tu masz 'gdzie'?) three 'tries' (zle slowo) of roofed galleries, looking down on the stage and the yard, where the poorer spectators stood. The stage itself, called (przedimek) apron stage, was jutted into the yard, so when the theatre was full the actors were surrounded by the audience by (dalabym the) three sides. Over the stage the 'shadow' (zle slowo) protected the players from the rain and the sun. There were also a 'tiring' (cos tu nie tak) house on the rear of the stage, where the actors changed their attire, an inner stage, behind the stage, used for discoveries and concealments and a trap door used by apparitions. There was also an upper stage, hidden by a curtain, used by (przedimek) musicians.

3. 'Shakspeare' (ortog)
William Shakespeare is the most important 'playwrighter' (poszukaj jak to slowo ma byc) not only in 'Elngland' (ortog) but 'in' (niepotr) all over the world. All dates related with him 'aren't' (co to dziwactwo-apparition robi tu - napisz to normalnie i wtedy zobaczysz dlaczego zdanie nie gra) sure. We don't know the day he was born but critics 'supposed ' (zle slowo) the day of his birth thanks to the certificate of baptism. Maybe he was born a week before he was baptized, probably at Stratford on Avon, in April 1564 (tutaj nie jest jasne czy to jego data, czy data baptism).
'In' (daj During) that 'perioud' (ortog) he was supported by the Earl of Sauthampton, to whom he dedicated some of his poems. When (przedimek) theatres reopened he became a shareholder and the main 'playwrighter ' (popraw) of the Lord Chamberlain's Men.
Dziękuje bardzo i przepraszam za te ortograficzne, pisałem szybko na klawiaturze iż się spieszyłem no i nie sprawdziłem czy nie ma błędów ort w tym co napisałem.