Proszę o pomoc w zastosowaniu odpowiedniej formy , dziewczyna ma egzamin ,a chciał bym jej pomóc- błagam.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1. Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of "used to"

a) Peterr doesen't play tennis any more.
Peter used to play tennis.

b) I have stopped smoking

c) Vikings used long boats to discover the world.

d) A hundred years ago foxes did not live in cities.

e) Is it true that people believed that the Sun goes round the Earth?

f) Why did planes need two wings on each side?

g) Fifty years ago people pyt money in hiding places under the floor.

2. Make passive sentences from the prompts.

a) Galaxy chocolate/ make/ Cadbury
Galaxy chocolate is made by Catbury

b) The Olympics/ hold/ eveey four years

c) Snails/ eat/ France

d) Presents/ give/ every year at Christmas?

e) Gold coins/ not/ use/ in business/ today

f) New Orleans/ often/ affect/ floods

g) Copper/ use/ for protecting windows?

h) A criminal/ arrest/ in England/ every two minutes

i) Pearls/ find/ inside/ oysters/ divers
Mogę zrobić po jednym na wzór.
1b I used to smoke.
2B The Olympics are held every four years.
A 1a jest dobrze?


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie