Ogromna prośba o sprawdzenie krótkiego opowiadania

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie mojego opowiadania dotyczącego "nietpowej nagrody za szkolne osiągnięcia". I proszę też o opinie czy nie jest zbyt "lekko napisane" jak na poziom matury rozszerzonej z angielskiego-przydadzą mi się porady jak je wzbogacić w jakieś bardziej wyszukane zworty (ale nie moge go wydłuzyć bo i tak jest na granicy limitu słów ;) )

Jimmy always been sporty. At him first school, he used to do high jump and he once jumped so high, the games teacher ran out of holes on the poles for my next jump. He enjoyed swimming. He was always in the fast lane and God help anyone who got in my way.
But him favorite sports was running. It was him way to deal with stress.

Before the end of the school year Jimmy take part in a school sports competitions The boy not only won the race but set a new school record- He ran 100 meters in 11 seconds. Everyone was impressed . But he immediately after his victory he disappeared. His teacher was looking for him and found him at the back of the school building. Jimmy was smoking a cigarette.
The teacher said that Jimmy had to forget about award .
- Sportsman can’t smoke-the teacher shouted.
- This is my business .An award is not important for me-the boy replied .
-Oh really? Do You know what kind of reward school had prepared for you ? Training with Usain Bolt !!! But now it's outdated. This great athlete doesn’t want to waste him time on leading lessons with young, stupid smoker! Your behavior is beyond belief.
Jimmy didn’t know what to say. Meeting with Bolt was Jimmy’s dream.
- If give me one more chance I will never even take a look at cigarettes-Jimmy whispered.
-Let it be . But be carful, Bolt in the flesh will be watch over your because tomorrow you go to him to Jamaica!

The next morning Jimmy was on a plane. The boy realized that one cigarette almost ruined his career. He knew the sport is the most important, and he can’t waste the chance given to him.


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