przeparafrazuj zdania

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Emphatic Structures

1.I don't like they way she looks at you. How she_____don't like.
2. I have never ever witnessed such a disaster. At....
3. After a while they entered the bulding. Into....after a while.
4. Your actions speak lauder than words. It is....more noticable than....
5.Without jack we wouldn't have finally overcome the difficulties. Iack is the person....have overcome the difficulties.
6. What she discovered was not so shocking as what she did with the discovery. It is ...she discovered.
7.Whenever did she strike back? When was...back?
8. We had just packed our things when the taxi arrived, No sooner ....the taxi arrived,
9. In my opinion Betty;s inteligence is worth admiring. I do....
10. When did the differences between the 2 copies strike you? When
11. His reluctance to confess to the error met with loud disapproval. Barely...moved her to tears.
12. She doesn't care too much about her work. Little....her work.
13.Mike never talked about his job because he didn'y enjoy it. What Mike never enjoyed doing....
14. I don't need anything else except for your unflagging support. All...
15. Even though he is strong, he stands no chance at all. chance at all.
zapomniales wpisac wlasne odpowiedzi. kiedy to zrobisz, ktos prawdopodobnie pomoze
1.I don't like they way she looks at you-->How she looks at you is what I don't like.
2. I have never ever witnessed such a disaster.--->At.... ???
3. After a while they entered the bulding. --->Into the building did they enter after a while.
4. Your actions speak lauder than words. --->It is your actions more noticable than words.
5.Without jack we wouldn't have finally overcome the difficulties. -->Jack is the person thanks to whom we have overcome the difficulties.
6. What she discovered was not so shocking as what she did with the discovery. --->It is what she did did do with the discovery more shocking than what she discovered.
7.Whenever did she strike back? ---> When was it when she stroke back?
8. We had just packed our things when the taxi arrived.---> No sooner had we packed our thinks than the taxi arrived,
9. In my opinion Betty's inteligence is worth admiring. -->I do Betty's inteligence is worth admiring.
10. When did the differences between the 2 copies strike you?---> When was the differences between 2 copies stroke you?
11. His reluctance to confess to the error met with loud disapproval. ---> Barely..?..moved her to tears.
12. She doesn't care too much about her work.---> Little does she care about her work.
13.Mike never talked about his job because he didn'y enjoy it. ---> What Mike never enjoyed doing is talking about his job.
14. I don't need anything else except for your unflagging support.--> All I need is your unflagging support.
15. Even though he is strong, he stands no chance at all. --->However he is strong, he has no chance at all.
1 ok
2 at no time
3 nie mowi sie 'enter into' . ...did they go.....
4 it is your actions ok, ale to nie jest zdanie (brak czasownikow itp)
5 ok
6 jakie 'did did do'? wiem, jest taka piosenka 'dee do dam dam dam dee do dam dam', ale nie o to chodzi. Poza tym taki sam problem jak w nr 4
odpowiednia konstrukcja brzmi
It is ktos/cos that zdanie z czasownikiem
7 was it THAT, no i stroke=glaskac
8 literowka!
9 nie. 'do' wzmacnia czasownik: 'ja naprawdę cośtam...'
10 ma byc tak jak w 7
11 cos jest nie tak - sugerowana koncowka zdania nie pasuje do zdania wyjsciowego!
12 ok
13 was
14 ok
15 tutaj: however znaczy 'jakkolwiek' przed przymiotnikiem lub przysłowkiem 'jakkolwiek dużo, jakkolwiek mocny' itp.

Nie mozna było od razu czegoś wpisać od siebie? Osoby, które wrzucaja tu prace domowe do odrobienia przez innych, spotykaja sie zwykle z przykra krytyka.
przepraszam i dziekuje.. po prostu nigdy nie korzystalam i nie zdawalam sobie z tego sprawy ;)
Nie zdawałaś sobie sprawy, że powinnaś sama odrobić pracę domową? Gratuluję podejścia do obowiazków.
to nie praca domowa :) pozdrawiam
Nie widać tego
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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