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It might soon be mandatory to have a fluorescent element attached to clothes as the
parliamentary project with regard to that issue is being in the making.
Should the project be amended, every pedestrian would be obliged to keep such an element
in a visible place after getting dark. For the time being, it is children at the age of up to 15 who are bound to wear fluorescent elements letting drivers spot them from a safe distance.
The police point out that pedestrians walking in dark or poorly lit areas are virtually invisible to drivers therefore they consider the plan to be a welcome change in the Highway Code.
‘Even in a built-up area with the lights on a man, walking along the street or crossing it, might not be noticeable to a driver unless he is wearing fluorescent props’, said the spokesman of the Polish police.
Introducing the new law should bring about a sweeping change in pedestrians’ safety but negative effects are also expected. A fine for the breach of the would-be regulation has not been determined, which means it will be classified as the breach of the Highway Code with the fine up to 3000 zlotys.
a parliamentary bill
is in the making
projekt ustawy = bill
amended - poprawiony. jak moze byc poprawiony, jezeli nie zostal jeszcze uchwalony?
for the time being = tymczasowo
therefore nie jest spojnikiem. srednik/kropka przed, przecinek po.
a man = mezczyzna
with a fine up to


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