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Mam pytanie czy rok 2009 można zapisać jako 'twenty nine'?

Z góry dziękuję za pomoc.
two thousand and nine
two thousand nine
twenty hundred nine

EDIT: Jest wiele sposobów mówienia daty.
edytowany przez grudziu: 04 sie 2013
Dzięki za odpowiedź.
in twenty nine - to tez jest okay, ale moze byc nie do konca zrozumiale, stad podaje sie albo z hundred (and) albo oh, jka juz grudziu podal:
in twenty hundred and nine / twenty oh nine
twenty hundred, really?
rozumiem, ze chodzi ci o to, ze liczby powyzej nineteen hundred, normalnie nie uzywa sie koncowki hundred, ale pelnej nazwy tysiecy
mozliwe, ze w datach powyzej 1999 roku nie uzywaja hundred, ale ja osobiscie nie widze problemu w zrozumieniu roku w formie twenty hundred jako two thousand
tutaj gosciu podjal temat, ale nie udzielil jakiejs sensownej rady odnosnie odczytu lat:
Apart from military jargon /twenty hundred hours/ never came across.
they way you say your thousands shouldn't be a problem to a pair of native ears, as it were
it so happens that using hundreds in place of thousands is a preferred form in AmE (according to the Cambridge Grammar of English):
It all cost twenty eight hundred dollars.
>>it so happens that using hundreds in place of thousands is a preferred form in AmE

yes it is but not for 2000 as a year
...or for 2000 of anything else;) /?/
like what? like twenty hundred braindead morons?:)
edytowany przez savagerhino: 04 sie 2013
It all cost twenty eight hundred dollars.
have no problem with this one.
yes, with dates, there seems to be an inconsistency
Cytat: savagerhino
like what? like twenty hundred braindead morons?:)
dla przykladu moze byc;). Raczej sie nie spotykamy, zeby ktos tak powiedzial. Nie mowie ze jest niegramatycznie;)
to bylo dla przykladu, i wiem tez co 'tam spotykacie' :)
edytowany przez savagerhino: 04 sie 2013
Cytat: fui_eu
twenty hundred, really?

I know that it may be a little odd. I heard a speaker on the radio said so. The radio is called the Breeze. (located in Bristol) My fav. one.
Ale nikt raczej nie powie I was born in /year/ twenty hundred:), np.
am I seeing things :? I heard a speaker on the radio said so - you're beginning to sound like a native, which, in this instance, has made your sentence utterly ambiguous to me
Geesh...Oopsie...I am preparing my supper and talking to my lady:-). I heard some guy SAY so.

PS If I spoke the way most natives do, I would not even get the marginal '3'.
edytowany przez grudziu: 04 sie 2013
...and I've heard on the radio that snakes can do push-ups. Can they?
Oh yeah, maybe they can because it was 77WABC (NYC)
Cytat: grudziu
PS If I spoke the way most natives do,

no, you don't - you just proved it
Cytat: savagerhino
...and I've heard on the radio that snakes can do push-ups. Can they?
Oh yeah, maybe they can because it was 77WABC (NYC)

Are you having me on, or you really have heard that?:-)

Kocham pierogi :)
yes ...and I do like them too ( only beef-stuffed:)
edytowany przez savagerhino: 04 sie 2013
Cytat: engee30
Cytat: grudziu
PS If I spoke the way most natives do,

no, you don't - you just proved it

The truth is that if I happened to say like this in class without self-correcting, I could be laughed at. I can't make such mistakes, not at this stage...
Cytat: savagerhino
yes ...and I do like them too ( only beef-stuffed:)

Your intuition is exactly right. This is the thing we are tucking in now. My gf prepared dumplings dough, and my part was to prepare stuffing for them. A well-matched couple we are.
be careful with that 'stuffing' no matter what you stuff it with, ok :) , it can get you into trouble

p.s. I meant the meat of course
edytowany przez savagerhino: 04 sie 2013
OK. My pressure cooker is so good that I don't have to bone a chicken lol.
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