Conclusion of a report - sprawdzicie?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Can anybody look through it and check if there are any mistakes? (even if they're little) I'd be grateful.

On the basis of the point mentioned above, it would seem that the factory doesn't encounter any insurmountable problems, however there exist a not significant number of issues that definitely need to be changed. It is therefore advantageous to analyse the points listed in this report and to take some action to improve the factory surrounding up to perfection.
... that the factory does not (nie 'doesn't)- encounter...
there 'exist a not significant number that definitely' - albo te problemy sa 'significant', i wtedy 'definitely need addressing' albo - lepiej 'insignificant' - to znaczy - 'not significant' -
i wtedy by bylo - 'there exist an insignificant number of issues that possibly/probably/definitely need to be addressed.
.. take some action to improve the factory surroundings, so that perfection can be achieved.
Thanks a lot