Wypracowanie maturalne.

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Witam, uprzejmię proszę o sprawdzenie moich błędów w wypracowaniu typu maturalnego odnośnie pracy za granicą. Zależy mi na dobrej ocenie, a często mam problem z zachowaniem poprawności. Z góry dziękuję, pozdrawiam.

Novadays, many people decide to spend their holidays working abroad. People on summer has got more free time, so they want to earn some money abroad. Is it a good idea?
For sure the biggest advantage is amount of salary. If we look on our country, walking for example in United Kingdom, we can earn about 3 times more.
Secondly : world is all time changing. Actually, we live in a world, where if we want to go somewhere, we just do this. Airplanes stopped to be a luxury conveyance, and number of people who are getting to work by them is still increasing.
Last but not least argument, is that we can meet new people and find so many interesting places and monuments, so travelling-work connection is also a big advantage of working abroad.
Let’s look on the other side. What are a bad sides of working abroad? People, who decide to go for a work abroad say, that one of the biggest disadvantage is that you are often alone. Your family leave in your house, and your contact with them is much difficult.
Another thing is knowing a foreign language. If you want to work abroad, u have to know although some words, to communicate with your new friends, or boss.
Finally, working abroad is a big risk. People are different, and you can encounter dishonest employers, so it’s important to check everything before going abroad.
All things considered, decision of working in foreign country is really important. If you want to try it, you have to make a decision with your friends and family – their support is really important.
'Novadays' (blad ortog), many people decide to spend their holidays working abroad. People 'on' (to jest zle slowo, tutaj potrzeba 'during') summer 'has' (to sie musi zgadzac z 'people'-tzn musi byc l. mn) got more free time, so they want to earn some money abroad. Is 'it' (ja bym dala 'this') a good idea?
'For sure' (dla mnie to wyglada b. amerykansko, Surely,) the biggest advantage is (brak przedimka) amount of (przedimek) salary. If we look 'on' (kalka z polskiego, ale piszemy AT, you look AT something) our country, 'walking' (zle slowo, tutaj chyba mialo byc 'working') for example in (brak przedimka) United Kingdom, we can earn about 3 times more.
Secondly : (brak przedimka) world is 'all (brak przedimka) time changing' (zla kolej slow...changing..).
Airplanes stopped 'to be' (zle, tutaj 'being') a luxury conveyance, and number of people who are getting to work by them is still increasing.
Last but not least (wg mnie tu cos brakuje) argument, is that we can meet new people and find so many interesting places and monuments, so travelling-work connection is also a big advantage of working abroad.
Let’s look 'on' (anowy kalka, tutaj AT, you look AT) the other side. What are 'a' (zly przedimek) bad sides of working abroad? People, who decide to go for 'a' (niepotr) work abroad say, that one of the biggest disadvantageS is that you are often alone. Your family 'leave' (zle slowo) in your 'house' (tutaj daj slowo 'home'), and your contact with them is 'much' (albo dasj 'much more'', albo samo 'more') difficult.
If you want to work abroad, 'u' (napisz to w calosci) have to know 'although' (nie rozumiem uzycia tego slowa tutaj) some words, to communicate with your new friends, or (tu cos brak) boss.
All things considered, (brak przdimka) decision of working in (brak przedimka) foreign country is really important. If you want to try it, you have to make 'a' (zly przedimek) decision with your friends and family – their support is really important.

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Dzięki, na pewno to zrobię. Pozdrawiam, życzę miłego weekendu.


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