Dwa eseje. Jest okej?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Piszę z prośbą o pomoc w ocenie moich esejów na angielski...
Dzięki z góry!

Living on your own
In the life of each of us, comes moment, when we are sure that, we are adult! So maybe it’s time to start living on your own?
It’s good idea, because you will dispose your conflicts with family. That experience always teaches. Responsibility, independence and organization. You can try be really ‘adult’. Job, own flat, school maybe… Fees, bills… Everything It’s your own business and anyone won’t help you. But if you think that you are ready… Why not? Let’s do that!
But that change isn’t connected with good things. It’s very hard to cope with that…
Everything is very expensive. If you live with other people, it will cost less. So even if you move out from your parents, you will have to live with roommates, but you always can pay big bills without them. Personally, I cannot live on my own… Why? I’m too lazy, too messy and too irresponsible. So in my opinion Living on your own – only after high school, when you have chances for well-paid job. Looking for own new house, living alone without parents, before get education… suicide, but maybe in some cases It’s good experience. It’s may teaches a lot. Sometimes, people who decided live on their own, grows up, or becomes wise.
So living on your own – I don’t say no, but it’s not for me… Yet.

Studying Abroad
Studying Abroad is chance, but is it always the best way, you can chose?
If you going to work in Poland, yes. It’s very good idea, because employer often looks positively on CV with diploma from another country.
In nowadays there are Erasmus or a lot another studying abroad programs. It’s huge chance, people who lives even 10-20 years ago weren’t having that odds.
You can live another, better place. No here, when people earn not so much, and everything is very expensive, because our country Is ruling by greed thieves.
Unfortunately, sometimes High schools, have worse standards. I’m good example for that situation… I was going to study in Copenhagen. I want study design and craft, and in Denmark level is less than ours. They have the newest technology in 3d print and machines, but their handcraft level leaves much to be desired. Differences are not so huge. For example. In architecture, when something is the newest first it’s available in America. After 1,5 year in our country. In design and craft that difference is about 2 months…
It’s very good feel, when you can live in your country, where you born, where you was grooving.
And when you left your country you must leave all your business, all friends and family here… This is the most difficult.
So I think that everyone should do what he consider to be the best for him. I will stay in Poland, and try go on ASP.
there comes a moment
“adult” > lepiej “grown-ups”
usuń przeciniek po “that”
It is A good idea,

dispose? Raczej “disarm” lub “prevent”. I przestaw “your” przed “family”

try TO really be AN adult

Wywal “fees”, dubluje “bills”.
Everythin IS your own business and NO-ONE will help you.

Let’s do that! > Go ahead and do it!

… is not associated JUST with good things...

…. LARGE bills...

...chances for A well-paid job

...before GRADUATION – that's a suicide.

… A good experience …

It may teach you lots.
… who decided to live …

grow up, become wiser.

Zostawiam drugi tekst komuś innemu.

I staraj się nie używać kontrakcji w języku pisanym.


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