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In my opinion education is a key to successful life. Education in Poland continues eighteen years. There are years which depends what we do when we are older. The most important decision-making when we know anything about life. But a good education isn’t always a key to successful life. A lot of Polish students works in a fast food bars or they fly to US to work. But there sometimes they can’t find a good work. Recently I read a article about Polish student who go to the US and want hire on a plantation. But he can’t find a work. He drive plantation to plantation but anywhere be a workplaces. His financial status force he to go to a street. He want to earn money to back home. But on the street he meet a lot of stimulant. In a good time he embrace and collect money to back home. But a lot of people hasn’t embrace and loss. I think in Poland we can get a good carrier. We can earn money to dignity life. When we have a target we can achieve. We can create firm and make a big company. Are there any arguments against necessity of education? I have never met with any but any exception proves the rule. Yes, there are many drawbacks of the educational system that should be improved. However this cannot change the fact that education is essential for achieving success nowadays.
Everything is in range hand only need to range it

W prawie każdym zdaniu jest błąd. Kilka błędów w z początkowych zdań.

1. "the key"
2. continues -> lasts
3. depends -> determine
4. don't know anything
5. Nie zaczynaj zdań od "But".
6. work in fast food bars.

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