rozprawka na temat wyboru przedmiotów w szkole

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Bardzo proszę o sprawdzenie rozprawki, niedługo matura i już nie mam sie do kogo zwrócić. Temat wzięłam z matury 2012 : Niektóre szkoły średnie pozwalają uczniom zdecydować, których przedmiotów będą się uczyćw klasie maturalnej. Napisz rozprawkę, w której przedstawisz wady i zalety takiego rozwiązania.
Mam nadzieję, że nie ma aż tak dużo błędów (oprócz ostatniego zdania, bo już nie wiedziałam jak no napisać :P )

Graduating class is said to be the most important period in the school life. Some schools have decided to give the pupils an opportunity to choose the subjects which they want to be taught in this class. What are the advantages and disadvantages of such an opportunity?
The main benefit for students is that they can choose only those subjects, which they are going to write on the matura exam. Thanks to this, they do not have to waste time for learning subjects, which are unneccesary. Not only do they safe time, but they also have a possibility to learn at home. Furthermore, everyone has a chance to develop his hobbies by choosing which he is interested in.
On the other hand, young people not always know what is good for them. They might make a mistake, which will affect their future. In addition, they may not get to a the collage they have dreamt of. Moreover, because of bad final exams results, schools may fall in the rankings. That is why this decision entails a risk.
In conclusion, it seems that such an opportunity despite many benefits has also drawbacks. Choosing a high school may give the students a possibility to make a choice related to their future. It is their personal decision how much they will let school affect this, what they will have to learn.

ostatnia klasa = the final year (at secondary school)
kiedy stawia sie przecinki przed which?
'zdawac' nie znaczy 'write'
waste nie laczy sie z for
safe = bezpieczny
possibility to zle slowo, uzyj po prostu can
his hobbies - a dziewczyny do gotowania? pod drugie, sorki, takich gier komputerowych nie zdaje sie na maturze
which = ktore
przeczenie w simple present - nie wystarczy dodac not
collage to takie dzielo sztuki i dlaczego dwa przedimki
poor final exam results
its drawbacks
high school = szkola srednia w USA
affect = zle wplynac
to, co = what


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