Prosze o sprawdzenie :)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Hejka, proszę o sprawdzenie poniższych zadań :P
II.Make questions with ALL these words
1.ever,Africa,to,been,you,have ? - Have you ever been to Africa ?
2.Tokyo, you, always, lived, have, in ? - Have you always lived in Tokyo ?
3.befor, you, Rome, been, have, to ? – Have you been to Rome before ?
4.seen, Russian, you, films, ever, any, have ? – Have you ever seen any Russian films ?
5.novel,have, tried, ever, you, write, to, a ? – Have you ever tried to write a novel ?

III.It is 10 o`clock in the morning on Monday 8 th May 2009.
1.for a day = since yesterday
2.since I was born = for twenty years
3.for a decade = since ten years
4.since last Monday = for a week
5.for two months = since last March
6.since 6 am = for four hours
7.for two weeks = since 25 th March
8.since last March = for two months

IV.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Present
1.I never been(never be) to Africa befor.
2.I went (go) with my sister to the seaside when I was a child.
3.It`s a beautiful picture did Tracy painted(paint) it herself
4.She studied (study) German for many years
5.They have just bought (just buy) a new car.

VI.Complete the sentences with the correct from of the
1.If be missing (miss) gis flight, he won`t be able to go to Madrit.
2.If she gets a job, she bought(buy) a car.
3.If he hasn`t set(not set) his alarm clock, he`Il be late for work.
4.If I haven`t(not have) enough time to cook, I`ll order a pizza.
5.If it rained(rain) tomorrow. I`ll stay at home.
6.If they been(be) late, we won`t wait for them
7.When Steve graduates from the college, he been(be) a engineer.

I takie pytanie, czy w poniższym zadaniu mam wstawić have/has ? czy coś jeszcze ?
I.Complete the sentences.Use Present perfect simple or Continuous
1.Mary lives in Krakow.She ……… Krakow
2.I am learning English. I ………. English for two years.
3.My parents know him.They ………… him since last summer.
4.Alan works in Brimingham. He …….. in Brimingam for seven years.
5.She has a headache. She ……. It for over two hours.
6.They often read books. They …….. more then 1000 books in the
edytowany przez Reksio6231: 19 cze 2014
I takie pytanie, czy w poniższym zadaniu mam wstawić have/has ? czy coś jeszcze ? przecież polecenie jest jasne. Narazie widzę tylko pierwsze /marked II/ ćw. ok. W drugim /zazn III/ nie rozumiem co ma być zrobione;)
IV.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense. Present
1.I have never been(never be) to Africa befor.
3.jakoś nie rozumiem
4.She has studied (study) German for many years.

VI.Complete the sentences with the correct from of the
1.If he misses (miss) his flight, he won`t be able to go to Madrit.
2.If she gets a job, she will buy(buy) a car.
3.If he doesn`t set(not set) his alarm clock, he`Il be late for work.
4.If I don`t have(not have) enough time to cook, I`ll order a pizza.
5.If it rains(rain) tomorrow. I`ll stay at home.
6.If they are(be) late, we won`t wait for them
7.When Steve graduates from the college, he will be(be) a engineer.

In last exiercise you should put proper present simple(have/has + past participle) or continuous(have/has + been + verb with ing) form. That means you should choose tense suitable to the rest of sentence and put correct tense form.
4 w IV może zostać tak jak Reksio napisał;)
I.Complete the sentences.Use Present perfect simple or Continuous
1.Mary lives in Krakow.She has Krakow(nie pamiętam co ma być dalej)
2.I am learning English. I have English for two years.
3.My parents know him.They have him since last summer.
4.Alan works in Brimingham. He has in Brimingam for seven years.
5.She has a headache. She hasIt for over two hours.
6.They often read books. They have more then 1000 books in the
Sprawdź jaką mamy konstrukcję w czasach podanych w poleceniu /samo have/has nie może być;)/ i spróbuj jeszcze raz;)
Czyli w tym zdaniu mam dodać odpowiednią formę read ?
They often read books. They have more then 1000 books in the
tak jest
zdanie jest też niedokończone.
I.Complete the sentences.Use Present perfect simple or Continuous
1.Mary lives in Krakow.She has live Krakow(nie pamiętam co ma być dalej)
2.I am learning English. I have learned English for two years.
3.My parents know him.They have known him since last summer.
4.Alan works in Brimingham. He has worked in Brimingam for seven years.
5.She has a headache. She has It for over two hours(tutaj nie wiem jak to odmienić.....ból głowy ? headache i co dalej ? )
6.They often read books. They have read more then 1000 books in the library
Cytat: Reksio6231
I.Complete the sentences.Use Present perfect simple or Continuous
5.She has a headache. She has It for over two hours(tutaj nie wiem jak to odmienić.....ból głowy ? headache i co dalej ? ) 'HAS' JEST CZESCIA KONSTRUKCJI W PRESENT PERFECT. TERAZ MUSISZ WSTAWIC ODPOWIEDNA FORME' HAS' JAKO CZASOWNIKA ZNACZACEGO 'MIEC'
6.They often read books. They have read more thAn 1000 books in the library

to, co usunalem, jest ok
5.She has a headache. She has had It for over two hours
6.They often read books. They have reading more than 1000 books in the library
Dlaczego zmieniłeś czas w 6? /i tak źle;). Przecież kristo podał ci konstrukcje we wpisie powyżej;)/
edytowany przez fui_eu: 22 cze 2014
w 6 poprawilem tylko pisownie THAN, reszta byla ok, moze to zmyliło.
5.She has a headache. She has had It for over two hours
6.They often read books. They have red more than 1000 books in the library.

Red - nie mam bladego pojęcia, czy to ma tak być( pierwszy raz spotakłem się z taką odmianą)
no to sprawdz gdzies, jak sie pisze te forme czasownika read.
Tam podają wymowę czasownika read w czasie przeszłym;)
Wrrr, to ja się poddaje, dzięki za dotychczasową pomoc :P
teraz sie osmieszasz: tabelki z formami czasownikow znajdziesz wszedzie, a w tamtym watku jest nawet przyklad uzycia 'read' w czasie present perfect. Naprawde sie osmieszasz.
Cytat: Reksio6231

reksio zawarczał.
Cytat: mg
teraz sie osmieszasz: tabelki z formami czasownikow znajdziesz wszedzie, a w tamtym watku jest nawet przyklad uzycia 'read' w czasie present perfect. Naprawde sie osmieszasz.,Czasowniki_nieregularne.html
read read read
Twierdziłeś, że to jest źle, sam nie wiem....
Cytat: Reksio6231
I.Complete the sentences.Use Present perfect simple or Continuous
6.They often read books. They have read more then 1000 books in the library
Przeczytaj sobie jeszcze raz moje odpowiedzi. W ktorej napisalem, ze forma 'read' jest źle?
Nie kminie.....Wyjaśnisz ?
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.