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From: [email]
Subject: Impressions of the day’s community work
Hi Jasiek
How are you ? I was in a day’s community work with my friends Dawid Koteba, Jakub Kapeta, Mateusz Serek and our monitor. He’s got name is Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz. We helped at a children’s home. We encountered for good weather, sunny and warm. We raised money for a children’s home and read to the children.
The worked in a children's home was interesting and fun. I learned a lot during this stay and I realized that have happiness because I have a parents.
I get home in the evening.

Wszystkie imiona i nazwiska są pozmyślane i e-mail również
Jakby moja pani to znalazła (Pani Drzazgowska) To ja Michał S.
He’s got name is Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz. = on ma imię jest

We encountered <-ZA POWAZNE SLOWO for<-A TO JEST NIEGRAMATYCZNE good weather, sunny and warm. We raised money POSZLISCIE DO DOMU DZIECKA, ZEBY ZBIERAC PIENIADZE NA DOM DZIECKA? for a W DODATKU NA JAKIS DOM DZIECKA, NIE TEN SAM? children’s home and read to the children.
The worked =PRACOWALI in a JUZ WIESZ, W JAKIM children's home was interesting and fun. I learned a lot during this stay and I realized that BRAK PODMIOTU have happiness <-TAK SIE NIE MOWI PO ANGIELSKU because I have a parents.CO WIESZ O PRZEDIMKACH W LICZBIE MNOGIEJ? LEPIEJ NAPISZ 'MIESZKAM Z MOIMI RODZICAMI'
I get CODZIENNIE? home in the evening.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


Studia językowe