Mógłby mi ktos sprawdzic moj artykuł o spaniu? :D

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Sleep or not sleep that is the question.
Sleeping is one of the most important activities for healthy live. According to scientists we need eight hours of sleeping every day to have enough power. Number of people who does not sleep is still rising, especially among teenagers.
Sleep can make you feel positive emotions and brings relax into our busy lives but not everybody thinks that. Do you know what are the
consequences because less of sleep? You will know. If you do not get enough sleep, it will affect your's mood. You will be angry and anxious. I know you are the pupils and you have to do your homework and you must prepare for lessons and exams. If it was an only one reason, it would not be dangerous. Most of us like computer games. Playing in computer games is very popular among teenagers. Computer games are a great source of entertainment especially at 3 a.m. . I am joking. Then ours brains are the strongest and immortal. But the next day theirs activity is weaken and they need some rest. Students have a friend and they want to talk with them. Let's think when students have a time for chatting on Facebook or writing messages? Yes, at the night. We are very talkative than.
Remember! Sleep handles stressful situations. When you get enough sleep, you will be more relaxed and happy.
Nothing will be for you trouble and you will be seeing clearly everything. teenagers should be educated at school on sleeping advantages.
TO sleep or not TO sleep - that is the question.
Sleeping is one of the most important activities for (brak przedimka) healthy 'live' (tutaj potrzeba rzeczownika, a to jest czasownik). According to scientists (przecinek) we need eight hours of 'sleeping' (sleep) every day to have enough 'power' (jakiej power? wytlumacz dokladniej) . (przedimek) number of people who 'does' ('people' tutaj just uzyte w l. mnogiej) not sleep is still rising, especially among teenagers.
Sleep can make you feel positive emotions and brings 'relax' (zle slowo) into our busy lives (przecinek) but not everybody thinks that. Do you know what 'are the consequences' (zla kolejnosc slow) because 'less of sleep' (tego nie rozumiem, nie tlumacz slowo w slowo z polskiego)? 'You will know' (ale gdzie? kiedy? i jak? I know nothing :-)). If you do not get enough sleep, it will affect 'your's' (zle slowo) mood.
I know you are 'the' (niepotr) pupils and you have to do your homework and you must prepare for lessons and exams. If it was 'an' (zly przedimek) only one reason, it would not be dangerous.
Playing 'in' (znowu tutaj masz kalke - nie rob tak) computer games is very popular among teenagers.
I am joking (mozna dodac 'of course'). Then 'ours' (zle slowo) brains are the 'strongest' (w jakim sensie?) and 'immortal' (chyba nie). But the next day 'theirs' (zle slowo) activity is weaken and they need some rest. Students have 'a friend' (tylko jednego?) and they want to talk with them. Let's think (dla mnie tu brakuje OF) when students have a time for chatting on Facebook or writing messages? Yes, at 'the' (niepotr) night. We are very talkative 'than' (zle slowo albo ortog).
(ja dodalabym tutaj 'SO'), remember!
Nothing will be 'for you trouble' (zla kolejnosc slow) and you will 'be seeing' (zly czas) 'clearly everything' (zla kolejnosc slow).
Zrob cos z tymi przedimkami (a, an, the). Nie za bardzo rozumiesz kiedy je sie uzywa.
wielkie dzięki za poświęcony czas i pracę, wezmę Twoje rady do serca i postaram się ogarnąc przedimki :D


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