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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Hej. Moze to banalne, ale muszę napisać maila do "kolegi" na angielski w szkole. Temat: Spędziłeś wymianę szkolną u rodziny w Anglii. Opisz swojemu koledze z Anglii dom w którym mieszkałeś, przedstaw najbardziej interesujący czas który tam spędziłeś, opisz plusy i minusy mieszkania z angielską rodziną i zaproś do siebie kolegę.

I'm writing to tell you abut my exchange trip to Manchester. I came back home 2 days ago and i still don't believe that i'm in Polnd aready and my trip ended.It was the best time in my life!

I was living in a cottage in . It's a village nearby Manchester. This wooden house had a bi tarrace by which you could went to full of plants garden and to orchard where were apple-, plum- and peartrees. The house had 3 bedrooms, airy living room connected to kitchen. In the living room was a beautifull fireplace over which was a mautelplace with photos of all family. I remember this one fantastic evening which we spent together. It was the best point of my trip I think.Me, Anna, her siblings and grandparents were sitting in frot or fireplace. Grandpa bring old photoalbum from an attic, and he was telling us a lot of family's stories. Some were about grandparent's wedding, some aboutAnna's childhood.
This time together was one of avantages od fiving with English family. Everyone was pleasant and talkactive what is very rare in Poland. But I really dislike that they spent more free time at home. One day I had suggested going to park for a walk, but they said they prefere stay at home and relax in front of Tv after work.

My mum said recently it's good occassion to invite somebody from England to Poland. I had asked Anna, but she refused. Would you liketo visit me and my family one time? We've got new big pool in the city, so we can go there together.

Love, Mia
Hi(!) (nie wiem dlaczego na niego krzyczysz, on Ci przeciez nic nie zrobil)
I came back home 2 days ago and 'i' (co sie tutaj stalo? prosze poprawic) still don't believe that 'i'm' (prosze poprawic) in 'Polnd' (ortog) aready and my trip HAS ended. It was the best time 'in' (zle slowo) my life!

I 'was living ' (zly czas - bylo, mienlto - tutaj LIVED) in a cottage in X. It's a village 'nearby' (near - jest lepiej) Manchester. This wooden house had a 'bi tarrace' (tego nie rozumiem) by which you could 'went' (zly czas) to (daj tutaj slowo 'garden') full of plants 'garden' (w zlym miejscu) and to orchard where were apple-, plum- and pear trees. The house had 3 bedrooms(,) (nie dawaj przecinka, jak masz tylko jeden dodatek, tutaj AND) airy living room connected to (przedimek) kitchen. In the living room was a beautifull fireplace over which was a 'mautelplace' (nie, slowo jest 'mantlepiece') with photos of all (przedimek) family.
Me, Anna, her siblings and grandparents were sitting in 'frot' (ortog) 'or' (ortog) (przedimek) fireplace. Grandpa 'bring' (zly czas) (pzedimek) old photo album from 'an' (nie, tutaj wiesz kokretnie ktora to byla) attic, and he was telling us a lot of 'family's' (nie, tutaj wystarczy 'family') stories. Some were about (przedimek) grandparent's wedding, some about Anna's childhood.
This time together was one of (przedimek) 'avantages' (ortog) od 'fiving' (ortog) with (przedimek) English family. Everyone was pleasant and talkactive 'what' (zle slowo, znowu ta kalka z polskiego .co- prosze poczytac o tym i napisac poprawnie) is very rare in Poland. But I really 'dislike' (zly czas, tutaj przeszlosc-to sie juz zdarzylo) that they spent more free time at home. One day I had suggested going to (przedimek) park for a walk, but they said they 'prefere' (zle slowo, tutaj 'prefered') (brak slowa) stay at home and relax in front of (przedimek) Tv after work.

My mum said recentlyTHAT it's good occassion to invite somebody from England to Poland.
We've got new big (tutaj mozesz dodac 'swimming') pool in the city, so we can go there together.

Zrob coz z tymi przedimkami (a, an, the). Prosze sie nauczyc ich uzywac.
za błędy ortograficzne przepraszam. Mam zepsutą klawiaturę i nie zawsze wciska mi poprawnie litery :)
talkactive chyba nie,
Na pewno przedimek przed TV? I watched THE TV all day long.
...(ha ha) to mialo byc 'talkative', ale mnie sie spodobalo slowo 'talkactive' - znaczy 'tongue byl bardzo active'
>>>>>Na pewno przedimek przed TV? I watched THE TV all day long.
TAK, tak samo jak ...I listened to the radio all day, did you have the TV on?
You're kidding, right? W UK mówią I watched the film on THE TV.
co do kontekstu THE TV on, to się zgadzam;)
edytowany przez Aaric: 19 paź 2014
I watched the TV for 5 minutes, but it didn't move :-)
I hung THE TV on the wall.
'in font of the TV' bedzie ok u askera
What's on (the) TV this evening? - ok
the moze byc pominiete
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.