Popraw błędy!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Popraw błędy i napisz dlaczego polak je robi. (w tych zdaniach nie chodzi o literówke ani interpunkcje)

1. I am not quite sure I guess Tom is a law student for almost three yeras now
2. his answer sounded correctly
5. he was asked five questions on the exam but he did not answer non of them
6. tom's father was a priest and he had studied originally to become one as well
7. If this coat isn't her, whose is it?
8. The police is investigating the murder of my uncle.
9. the shop assistance had to make a mistake making this receipt
10. there are many people who, although do not work hard, achieve great things
11. You mustn't wash the dishes we have dishwasher
no to popraw
Czy moglibyście sprawdzić moją pracę z angielskiego(pod katem gramatyki,słownictwa).Dziękuję!
Daisy and Gracie were rolling some kind of metal disc ,I was listening to camel’s howling when police car emerged. I stood up when my mother and aunt screamed ’Run!’. Then I understood ,Devil wants us in Moore River .I start to escape, I was terrified. Some strange noises were pattering in my head. The automobile barred the road, a men jumped out of it with some documents in his hand. He said ‘I have to take this three girls ‘.My mom bursted out crying ‘My kids, my!’. The man was aggressive, he pushed her away and put Gracie in the car. I heard his harsh voice threatening her. I will never forget it. My aunt and mom were trying to stop him but he was too strong . Daisy was next ,she was crying ,her eyes were really sad. I was the oldest one so it was the hardest to deal with me .I was kicking him, his car, everything. I have never felt so helpless .Our mothers were following the automobile they were screaming, crying but he didn’t stop until we were in Moore River. I decided to protect my sisters in spite of all.
Czy moglibyście sprawdzić moją pracę z angielskiego(pod katem gramatyki,słownictwa).Dziękuję!
Daisy and Gracie were rolling some kind of metal disc ,I was listening to camel’s howling when police car emerged. I stood up when my mother and aunt screamed ’Run!’. Then I understood ,Devil wants us in Moore River .I start to escape, I was terrified. Some strange noises were pattering in my head. The automobile barred the road, a men jumped out of it with some documents in his hand. He said ‘I have to take this three girls ‘.My mom bursted out crying ‘My kids, my!’. The man was aggressive, he pushed her away and put Gracie in the car. I heard his harsh voice threatening her. I will never forget it. My aunt and mom were trying to stop him but he was too strong . Daisy was next ,she was crying ,her eyes were really sad. I was the oldest one so it was the hardest to deal with me .I was kicking him, his car, everything. I have never felt so helpless .Our mothers were following the automobile they were screaming, crying but he didn’t stop until we were in Moore River. I decided to protect my sisters in spite of all.
Dlaczego dublujesz wątki. To nie przyspiesza odpowiedzi, tylko powoduje bałagan. Na przyszłość otwórz własny temat.;)


Grammar is fun


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie