sprawdzenie zadań

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Prosiłbym o sprawdzenie zadań i wskazanie poprawnych odpowiedzi do błędnych.

Zad. 1.
Choose a) b) or c) to complete the sentences.

1)Damien ……b….. at my house after he had finished work.

a) was arriving b) arrived c) arrives

2)When I woke up, the sun ……a….. trough my window.

a)shone b) was shining c)had shone

3)When I arrived at the office on my birthday, I saw my colleagues ……b…….. my desk with flowers and coloured paper.

a) decorated b) had decorated c) decorate

4)When I arrived at my friend’s house they ……c…… TV

a) are watching b) watched c) were watching

5)My wife was wearing the necklace I ……b…….. her for 10 th wedding anniversary last year.

a) was giving b) had given c) gave

Zad. 2.
Complete the sentences. Use the words in the table. Write a-j in the spaces provided.

a) dishwasher b) carton c) disposable d) paper e) biodegradable

f) microwave g) cooker h) recycled i) plastic j) reusable

1)This test is printed on …h…… paper.
2)This paper plate is ……e….., so use it and throw it away!
3)Do you always use …d……. detergent in you washing machine?
4)You can use ……c…… plates to heat up food in your microwave.
5)You shouldn’t heat up food on plastic plates in your …g……
6)It’s very dangerous to use metal plates in your …f……
7)Do you buy milk in a bottle or a ……b…..?
8)This plastic bag is … j……, so don’t throw it away! Use it next time you shop!
9)…i….. cups are disposable but they are very bad for the environment.
10)Your ……a…. is very convenient but it uses a lot of water and electricity.

Zad. 3.

Match the request (numbers) with the responses (letters) below.

a) Yes, fine.
b) Sorry, but he’s in Canada right now.
c)Sure. What’s the problem?
d)I’d like the to but I’ve got to pick up the kids from school.
e)Sure. Here you are!
f)Oh, I’m sorry. Tell her to go home.
g)Coming up. Straight away!
h)Yes, would you like to see it?
i)Don’t worry, I’ll try to fix it.
j)Yes. Let’s take a break.

1) Hey, Tony. Lend me your Spanish dictionary ! e
2)Two cups of tea and an orange juice please? a
3)Can you enter your PIN number please? g
4)Wow that was trough, I’m exhausted! j
5) I’d like to speak to Leonid Kracow. b
6) Oh dear! My computer’s crashed again! i
7)Do you have a moment? c
8)Can you give me a lift home? d
9)Greta isn’t feeling very well. f
10)is that your engagement ring? h

Zad. 4.
Complete the sentences. Write the correct form of the verb in brackets. Use zero and First Conditional.

1)When the sun rises, the air …it gets……. warmer. (get)

2)When I ……it wakes ……. up, I always make a cup of coffee. (wake)

3)If you have the Maxtor 2008 CD ………… it in your CD driver and click on GO! (put) brak pomysłu

4)If you are going to travel abroad, ………….. sure your passport is up-to-date (make) brak pomysłu

5)If you ………. Hand baggage, please put it in the overhead locker. (have) brak pomysłu

6)If the sun shines tomorrow, we ……will have……. A picnic in the forest. ( have)

7)If I drop this glass on the floor, it will not breaks…will break…….. (break)

8)You’ll get cold if you ……will not wears….. your warm coat. (not wear)

9)Global warming ……it gets…….. worse, unless we reduce our carbon emissions. (get)

10)If you remember to bring you key, you …it be able to open……. The garage door. (be able to open)
W 3 wciąż masz 3 odpowiedzi źle, imo.
2 coś nie tak #3 jak może być proszek do maszyny do mycia naczyń papierowy
Zad 1. Zgaduj zgadula:)
edytowany przez Aaric: 01 lut 2016
podalam w innym watku, gdzie sa bledy. Nie bede sie powtarzala.
edytowany przez marcinmidzio: 02 lut 2016
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - Sprawdzenie


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