może ktoś sprawdzić muj list?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Dear Mike
Thanks for your last letter. It was very funny. I`m sorry, I haven`t written for three months. I had a lot of study – for three months I have matura exam, moreover I work in shop.
What new at you? Do you remember what happened when you were here last time? Do you remember Kuba, my friend? He is crazy! It was funny what he was doing when we were on camp-fire. The best was this when he sat near the fire and told jokes and his clothes began burning. Later he had to go home and alter clothes.
How I remembered I work in shop. I have many duties there, for example taking care about order and housework. The holidays is coming, what are your plans? I`m going to seaside, maybe we will meet there. Hope to hear from you soon.
proszę czy ktoś to czytał?? są tu jakieś błędy??
ja znalazlem jeden w temacie, 'muj' przez u kreskowane, dalej nie sprawdzalem :D
oj tak napisałem bo szybko chciałem ale po polsku nie ważne!!
niech ktoś przeczyta ten list!!!!please!!!
Dear Mike
Thanks for your last letter. It was very funny. I`m sorry *-,-* I haven`t written for three months. I had +to learn a lot+, +because+ IN three months I have the matura exam.

/Albo: I had to learn a lot for my matura exam in three months./

Besides that, I work in shop. /"morover" ~= "co ważniejsze"/

What*'s* new +on your side+? Do you remember what happened when you were here last time? Do you remember Kuba, my friend? He is crazy! It was funny what he was doing when we were on THE camp-fire. The best +thing was+ when he sat near the fire and told jokes and his clothes +caught fire+. Later he had to go home and CHANGE clothes.
AS I'VE ALREADY MENTIONED, I work in A shop. I have many duties there, for example *??taking care about order and housework??*.

/nie wiem, o co chodziło; może: ... keeping articles in order and cleaning up. (utrzymywanie porządku w towarach i sprzątanie)/

The holidays ARE coming. What are your plans? I`m going to THE seaside /"seaside" zawsze z "the"/. Maybe we will meet there. Hope to hear from you soon.

TAKE CARE, /chyba, że to pisze dziewczyna, lub gej/
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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