jak to jest?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam czasem problemy z przedimkami
np. jesli widze dziewczyne trzymajaca w rece roze zdanie
What a beautiful rose
jest porawne? czy ma byc
What the beautiful rose
bo wkoncu chodzi mi o te jedna konkretna roze.
What a beautiful rose - jest poprawne. Ale pamietaj tez, ze niekiedy na dziewczyne mowi sie tez 'rose' albo 'rosebud'.
What a beautiful rose (you've got/you're holding/etc.!)

The above version is correct due to the fact that in such emphatic structures we don't use any articles other than 'a/an' or, when it deals with an uncount noun, we use so-called 'zero' article. Cf.

What an awful film we saw last night!
What dreadful weather it is today!
I'm very glad to see you back on this forum.
I guess I don't need to write that I too am, terri. ;-]
Ahh, to be young and in love..... ;)
Engee is not that young, I suppose ..:) :) :)
only two years younger than you (if those numbers in your nick names refer to your age)
> I'm very glad to see you back on this forum

engee30, no to teraz ja - kubelek zimnej wody. Znasz Staudynger'a ( Jana)? A jego fraszke "Komplement"? Zaczyna sie tak:

Nie ma w tym prawdy ani slowa

Nie pisze dalej, bo czytalam ja gdzies 1[tel]lat temu i moge cos pomylic. Doczytaj sobie sam.
Yeap, I assume that I am just two years older than eva; by the way - one of my sisters was born in 1974 - in the Year of the Tiger (according to the Chinese Calendar), what's more she's your namesake, and she's cool...
One of my sisters was also born in 1974 ...:)
And I was born in the Year of Dragon :)
No kidding! Me too.... So you we must be peers! Or maybe you were born in 1964 or 1988, but actually I don't care.... You're good man.
Being a crossword fanatic, I have encountered many of his epigrams. Unluckily, I don't know this one. But I'll do my utmost to get it somewhere.
>So you we must be peers

I guess we are. I turned 30 just a couple of days ago so I am a novice in the league :))

Komplement umiejętny kobiety nie nuży,
Potrzebny on kobiecie tak jak woda róży.

That's all I found. Is this what you were trying to express?
_a_ beautiful rose
w koncu to nie jest jedyna piekna roza na swiecie. Jutro zobaczysz inna piekna roze i tez powiesz "what a beautiful rose"
>That's all I found. Is this what you were trying to express?

Nie. Jak Ci wczesniej napisalam, mial to byc kubelek zimnej wody. Chodzilo mi o to , ze cieszysz sie slowami wypowiedzianymi przez terri, a moze to tylko komplement? Dlatego tez przyszla mi na mysl ta fraszka, zaczynajaca sie tak:

" Nie ma w tym prawdy ani slowa"

a potem jest o cieszeniu sie, rozowieniu...

Przeciez nie moglam siedziec cicho, majac taka igielke pod reka.
Szukaj dalej, choc tak prawde powiedziawszy wiesz juz "co autor chcial powiedziec".
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.