Those of ...

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.

jak przetłumaczyć:

The kariotype of the domestic pig and the wild boar are very similar, those of domestic pig and wild boar specimens with 38 chromosomes being identical.

>The kariotype of the domestic pig and the wild boar are very similar,
>those of domestic pig and wild boar specimens with 38 chromosomes
>being identical.

w ogole 'those of' znaczy tutaj "the karyotypes of"
jednak cale zdanie jest niepoprawne - nie pominelas jakiegos slowa?
Tez mi sie wydawalo ze cos tu jest nie tak....dlatego zwrocilam sie o pomoc...

A ty, mg co bys tu wstawil zeby zdanie brzmialo poprawnie???
Usunąłbym coś
The karYotypeS of the domestic pig and the wild boar are very similar, [those of domestic pig and wild boar specimens] with 38 chromosomes being identical.
Dzieki mg... teraz troche jasniej.
>The karYotypeS of the domestic pig and the wild boar are very similar,
>those of domestic pig and wild boar specimens with 38 chromosomes
>being identical.

That's a classic absolute phrase; tinkering with it is uncalled for.
>>those of domestic pig and wild boar specimens with 38 chromosomes
>>being identical.

It depends on what 'with 38 chromosomes" is related to. if it modifies 'specimens', the sentence makes sense - see below, Malwina (something that took me a while to work out). If it is supposed to mean "38 chromosomes were identical", it's a flop.

... kariotypy badanych osobników świni domowej i dzika z 38 chromosomami były identyczne
jest OK mg,
chodziło o to, że te kariotypy sa identyczne, więc tak jak podsumowałeś

Pozdrawiam i dzięki
If it is supposed to mean "38
>chromosomes were identical", it's a flop.

You are kidding, right?
"The karYotypeS of the domestic pig and the wild boar are very similar, those of domestic pig and wild boar specimens with 38 chromosomes being identical"

If this sentence is supposed to mean that the pig and the boar share 38 chromosomes out of a larger total, the words between the comma and 'with' should not be there.
>If this sentence is supposed to mean that the pig and the boar share
>38 chromosomes out of a larger total, the words between the comma and
>'with' should not be there.

But this sentence is not supposed to mean that, because these words are there.
Look, you keep grasping at straws.

The words "those of domestic pig and wild boar specimens with 38 chromosomes" are the head (nominative) of the absolute construction. If you want to grasp something, grasp the whole thing.
>The words "those of domestic pig and wild boar specimens with 38
>chromosomes" are the head (nominative) of the absolute construction.

I think I have commented on that earlier. You're still referring to what I wrote two days ago without having looked at what I wrote yesterday. So much about grasping wholes.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.