Cz poprawnie napisałam?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
The programs type of reality shows have for purpose to tear of people from everyday life. People like watch human's behaviour, comment it people doing and telling. The participate are young, beutifull or ugly, brave or shy, and even famous. I dont watch these programs becouse I hve not time and I dont interest it.

Mam prośbę, proszę by ktoś sprawdził błedy w mojej wypowiedzi..
The purpose of reality shows is to divert people's interest from daily life. People like to watch human behaviour, comment what other people do and say. The participants are young, beautiful or ugly, brave or shy, and even famous. I don't watch these programs because I have no time and they don't interest me.
bardzo dziękuje:-) moja radość jest wielka:-) thanks


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