ni w ząb tego nie moge zrozumieć...

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mam taki tekst ktorego nie moge za nic zrozumiec ponieważ slownictwo w nima zwrte jest czystej relacji komputerowej w polaczniu z normalnymi zwrotami!!
Czy ktos moze mim przyblizyc sens poniższego tekstu??

'Theirs had been a master-slave relationship. She was a hardware freak; he got off on software. They would take turns hacking and trashing, but tonight, they planned to couple. They had readied the male=female connector. But there was a problem. He had only a floppy, and she wanted it hard. They were incompatible;they couldn't interface. He couldn't get it up and running in her system. He couldn't enter her. And if he didn't finish the code in time, he wouldn't be able to penetrate new users. She craved his tool, but she didn't want him to rape her system. ' This calls for hands-on!' she exclaimed, exasperated. She ran over to him and grabbed his joystick.'
Jak tylko przybliżyć sens, to proszę bardzo: dwoje ludzi odmiennej płci chciało to wreszcie ze sobą zrobić, ale jemu coś nie stało, więc ona musiała użyć rąk. ;)
Chociaż równie dobrze można rozumieć ten tekst jako rzecz o niekompatybilnych systemach komputerowych - napęd nie chciał czytać dyskietki, etc. - na tym polega cały docip. :)
to pewnie o informatyku. on nie kocha sie z dziewczyna, on sie u niej loguje
Tja, ale chodzi o zabawę w skojarzenia i podteksty. :)
>Chociaż równie dobrze można rozumieć ten tekst jako rzecz o
>niekompatybilnych systemach komputerowych - napęd nie chciał czytać
>dyskietki, etc. - na tym polega cały docip. :)

Exactly. It's about sexual connnotations in technobabble.

In order to fully understand the above text, one should know or look up what certain lexical items mean in mainstream English.

There are some sexual connotations or suggestions, as can easily be perceived, in technobbable. Above is a textual example for that was given by J.A Barry in his presentation, 'Sex, Drugs, and Computers', at the West coast Computer Faire in San Francisco in 1985

to couple - to have sexual intercourse
to dope - to treat silicon with dopant - usually a toxic gas such as arsine or phosphine - to alter its electrical properties
floppy - with reference to disk media, flexible mylar or rigid metal
joystick - action - manipulation tool for some computer games:d
male-female - connector; an electrical connection in which one protruberant part slides into a receptable
master slave - relationship between, say, a computer (master) and a connected dumb terminal (slave)
to rape - to permanently destroy a program
hanshaking - two devices working together

Soetimes when a male speaker says
I'm trying to get a bigger hard disk for her box, he is humurously sexually suggestive on purpouse:D

What's more interesting:

Technobabble is replete with anthropomorphic, sexual, religious and other connotations. Whether they are intentional or not is another matter. One thing is certain: the majority are extracomputer connotations. And the above can well be illustrated and ended with the technobabble version of Lord's Prayer:

The Computer Person's Prayer:

Our program, who art in Memory,
Hello be thy name.
Thy Operating System come,
thy commands be done,
at the Printer as they are on the Screen.
Give us this day our daily data,
and forgive us our I/O Errors as we forgive those
whose Logic Circuits are faulty.
Lead us not into Frustration,
and deliver us from Power Surges.
For thine is the Algorithm,
The Application
and the Solution,
looping forever and ever.


'floppy now, hard later' :d
Dziekuje wszystkim bardzo (troche smiesznie to wyszlo:D)
panie Merix - skad pan ma takie wiadomosci na ten temat?
Gdzie mozna wiecej poczytac na temat technobabble i czy są jeszcze inne odchylenia tego typu. troszke nie moglem pana zrozumiec (czy moze pan to uproscic) ??

Dziekuje jescze raz!!
ok - I'll try to make it more comprehensible tomorrow.

Technobabble is replete with anthropomorphic, sexual, religious and other connotations. Whether they are intentional or not is another matter. One thing is certain: the majority are extracomputer connotations. And the above can well be illustrated and ended with the technobabble version of Lord's Prayer:

W technobable wystepuje mnogosc antropomorfizmow, seksulalnych, religijnych i tego typu skojarzen (konotacji). Czy so one zamierzone czy nie to inna sprawa. Pewne jest to, ze wiekszosc jest skojarzeniem extrakomputerowym..........

to tak z grubsza.....
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia

