Opis obrazka .. Kto mi spr i pomoże???

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Obbrazek przedstawia chlopca który stoi przy klatce z gorylem w srodku. Podaje mu reke i rozmawia z nim

slowka do ułożenia: James-paths-animals-zoo-empty-2 o'clock-clod and wet- gorilla's cage- shocked- cuts- dirty fur- touch hand- help

moze być tak???? : James visiting zoo at 2 o'clock.The weather was cold ,paths and wet.He was see gorilla's cage. Animal was dirty fur. The boy touvhing hand and help him.He was fel shocked
prosze kto pomoże?????????????????????????????
Joe is visiting Zoo. It's 2 o'clock. There is very cold and wet. Moreover paths are
dzeki za troche poprawek:* dirty fur
Prosze zwroc uwage...zdanie 'There is very cold and wet' powinno byc IT is very cold and wet.
dziekuje terri
Czyli moge pisac tak jak dirty fur mi napisal????
James decided to visit zoo at 2'o clock.It was cold and wet outside.He started to walk on the path and discovered gorilla's cage.He put his hand in the cage and touched a dirty fur of animal.Suddenly he couldn't take his hand out.He was really shocked and started screaming for help.
dzieks caprio:*:*:
Moze ktoś jeszcze pomoże
to co wyzej napisane jest ok, ale
..and discovered A gorilla's cage. He put his hand in the cage and touched THE dirty fur of AN animal.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


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