POEZJA ŚPIEWANA ---> jak to przetłumczyc?!?!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
'poezja spiewana' wie ktos jak to preztłumczayc?!?!
Internet podpowiada: "poetry set to music"
>"poetry set to music"

sung poetry sounds as good

the unsung heroes of sung poetry .. ok.. it's nothing..just a spontaneous mental pop-up, a figment of my imagination. It would make a nice title though, wouldn't it?
>the unsung heroes of sung poetry ..

strikes a chord, 4al 40
>strikes a chord, 4al 40

pleased to meet you
hoped you'd guess my name..;)

Indeed, slipping under your radar was never my intention
>pleased to meet you
>hoped you'd guess my name..;)

New name, same quality, thank the Almighty. Only difference is you 'talk' less, sounding subdued, like. Not a sign of some general change for the worse, I hope?
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.