AMBITNE CWICZENIE - prosze o sprawdzenie

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Czy moglby ktos sprawdzic mi to cwiczenie poniewaz nie mam odpowiedzi i nie jestem pewnien czy dobrze rozwiazalem. (moje odpowiedzi zaznaczam stawiajac krzyzyk obok odpowiedniego wyrazu)

People surround the idea of reading with piety, and do not (0).....into account the purpose of reading or the value of what is being read.
It is worth (1) the act of reading became something to value in itself, (2) the act of conversation or the act of taking a walk. Mass literacy is a recent (3)....., and I suggest that the aura which decorates reading is a relic of the (4)....of reading to our great-great-grandparents. Literacy (5).... a mark of social distinction, separating a small portion of humanity from the rest. The farm laborer who was ambitious for his children did not daydream that they (6)....become schoolteachers or doctors; he daydreamed that they would learn to read, and that a world would (7) up to them in which they did not have to labor in the fields fourteen hours a day for six days a week in order to buy salt and cotton. On the next rank of society, (8).... time for reading meant that the reader was free (9).... the necessity to spend most of his walking hours making a living. (10)...sort of attitude shades into the contemporary man's boast of his wife's cultural activities. When he says that his wife is interested in books and music and pictures, he is (11)...enclosing the arts in a female world; he is saying that he is (12).... enough to provide her with the leisure to do nothing. Reading is an inactivity and (13)....a badge of social class. Of course, these reasons for the piety attached to reading are (14)... acknowledged. They only show themselves in the shape of our attitudes towards books; reading (15)... an air of gentility.

0 A)bring B)take + C)put D)make E)consider
1 A)to ask B)of asking C)asking+ D)being asked E)having asked
2 A)as opposed B)similarly+ C)in addition D)instead E)equally
3 A)problem B)predicament C)dilemma D)phenomenon+ E)phenomena
4 A)ignorance B)unimportance C)importance+ D)preoccupation E)mediocrity
5 A)is B)used to be+ C)will be D)had been E)being
6 A)would+ B)will C)shall D)will have E)would have
7 A)never+ B)unfortunately C)nevertheless D)likewise E)therefore
8 A)large B)plenty+ C)ample D)little E)often
9 A)off B)to C)out of D)with E)from+
10 A)some B)any C)a D)the E)this+
11 A)furthermore B)merely C)only D)not only E)just+
12 A)impoverished B)happy C)anxious D)rich+ E)tricky
13 A)despite this B)therefore+ C)instead D)nevertheless E)on average
14 A)never B)commonly C)indeed D)just+ E)always
15 A)breathe out+ B)gives in C)brings off D)floats on E)gives off
przeczytalam, zauwazylam to:
mysle, ze powinno byc 2A, 8C, 11B, 14A, 15E
nad 4,7,9 - pomysle.
jesli chodzi o Twoje odpowiedzi w 2,14,15 to tez je rozwazalem i w sumie to byly pierwsze moje odpwiedzi ale pozneij zmienilem zdanie, choc nei wiem czemu:)
Moze ma ktos jeszcze jakies propozycje? bo jak widac nie jest to zbyt proste zadanie:(
wg mnie 7E, 11D
Mg a czy zgadzasz sie ze powinno byc 2A, 8C, 14A, 15E?
tak, 11D jest lepiej
Bardzo dziekuje za pomoc i mam jeszcze jedna prosbe:) Jesz cze kilka zdan do sprawdzenia:

1. Ostatnio przeprowadzono wiele badań, aby potwierdzić tę terorię.
Recently, a lot of research has been carried out to confirm this theory.
2. Metoda ta jest stosowana w Polsce od wielu lat.
This method has been used in Poland for many years.
3. W jego książkach jest dużo cennych informacji.
In his books there is a lot of valuable information.
4. Większość studentów jest przeciwko reformie. Czy możesz mi wyjaśnić tę sytuację?
The majority of students is against the reform. Canyou explain me this sytuation?
5 Jego uwagi spowodowały, że Anna zaczęła płakać, co by zaskakujące.
His remarks caused that Ann started crying, what was surprising.
6. John polecił mi to miejsce, ale Anna zaproponowała, abym spróbował coś innego.
John recommended me that place, but Anna suggested trying something else (or -that I should try)
7. 50% uczniów ma dostęp do Internetu.
50% of students has an access to the Internet.
8. Nauczyciele często pytają, czemu im się tak mało płaci.
Teachers frequently ask why they are paid so little.
9. W przypadku sześiolatków słuchanie bajek jest doskonałym rozwiązaniem.
In case of six-year-old children, listening to fairy tales is a perfect solution.
1. Recently, a lot of research has been 'carried out' (mozna tez 'undertaken') to confirm this theory.
2. ok
3. ok
4. The majority of students 'is' (is to jest l.poj ale przeciez masz studentS-l. mnoga) against the reform. Can you 'explain me' (nie, albo explain this situation to me, albo can you explain this?) this sItuation?
5 His remarks caused THE FACT that Ann started crying, 'what' (which) was surprising.
6. John recommended 'me that place' (that place to me), but Anna suggested trying something else (or -that I should try-tez ok.)
7. 50% of students 'has' (znowu 'is'-to jest l. poj a students-to l.mnoga) an access to the Internet.
8. ok.
9. In THE case of six-year-old children, listening to fairy tales is THE
perfect solution.
Mg a czy zgadzasz sie ze powinno byc 2A, 8C, 14A, 15E?

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