kilka pytań

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I'll switch to frog-eaters( mean no harm) then , it's a good idea btw , how about "Chateauneuf-du-Pape"? No big head, no hangover and bottle-ache.:)
nice choice,
need a good steak to go with it.

I've heard that Polish beef is not the best. oh well, it's the thought that counts
>I've heard that Polish beef is not the best.
I don't know where you buy yours, but mine is always excellent :D
- get impression that;
- have impression that,

...these forms are both correct :)

not without the article 'the', which you have been reminded of several times in this thread and which you seem to ignore.
You're right :)
I stand corrected.
I'm coming to WAWA in late summer. Any recommendations for a good steak house?
I knew...
Tall, dark & handsome? Let's meet up for a drink. :)
Why not ? But without any scottish friends ok ! May be French eventually! I must confess Siunia that I've been a quite skirt-chasing lounge-lizard , you know what I mean :) I don't want to boast , well there's actually nothing to boast about in fact but I really had a pull with women in general and scored a couple of them but finally "got a home base" with my only and lovely "worser half" :)
Of course "I've never worked late at the office" but you know ... :)
Sav, it was an invitation for a drink, not to my hotel room. :)

And before your imagination starts racing in ALL sorts of directions. I'm older than you.
Of course not to you hotel room :)I would never dare ...
And everything is ok with my imagination. It's only my imagination and the only place where it's racing is my domestic tranquility.:)

Btw , my wife is a couple of years older than me but of course this is not only the reason I love her for.:)
smooth talking, lounge lizard baloney..hahaha
gotta run
>>>Try "Gessler Restaurant- Fukier
I too had the pleasure of eating there when I worked in Warsaw. Highly recommended. It is really a small world.
...and flat to boot :) Terri, but you didn't know Merix at the time? :):)
I wouldn't miss you then :) Ooops , I dropped a brick I suppose, I wasn't supposed to work late at the office!:)
>...and flat to boot:
Good job that they didn't have CCTV then, (in the good old days) or many a time I would have ended up on 'youtube'.
Very soon I will be visiting Warsaw, so we all could meet up and paint the town red (or scarlet in my case).
Not bad idea :) Siunia would try a real polish pork hock with its "nice skin fold" undulating on a plate :)
"Siunia would try a real polish pork hock with its "nice skin fold" undulating on a plate"

Ugh, nie dziekuje.
Znam sie na polska kuchnie.

Bede w Wawie na koniec sierpniu. A ty terri?
Ok,I can eat golonka but with lots of horseradish and mustard with a double shot of bloody frozen polish vodka as a prelude to it:)
spoko :P widzę gaworzycie sobie po angielsku :P

Mam jeszcze jednen banalny problem :

1.We bought a kilo of apples; some of them were bruised.

We bought a kilo of apples SOME OF WHICH were bruised.
= kupiliśmy kilo jablek Z KTÓREGO KILKA bylo obitych.

2.She has a class of twenty students; half of them are of Canadian origin.
She has a class of twenty students, HALF OF WHOM are of Canadian origin.
...half of whom...= ..z których polowa.. ???

Dobrze przeksztalcone są te zdania??
Bardzo dziękuję za odp. :)
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