Great free learning resources

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Przepraszam, spieszy mi sie to bede pisala po angielsku.

I stumbled on to what I believe is a great resource to download all sorts of English learning materials for free.

Here is the link:

I have highlighted the "Vocabulary" section because I think there are some interesting books that folks can download/peruse for free.

The following books caught my eye:

"Quite Literally...Problem words and how to use them"

"Practical English Usage" 3rd Edition, Michael Swan

"Catch Phrases"

"Phrasal Verb Dictionary" (McGraw Hill)

Definitely worth a look, particularly since they are free.

I noticed that "Practical English Usage" is advertised on this site for 69 zl, you can get it free (cost of paper) on the site above.
Siunia, sorry to say that but there are more things you can get for free if nobody inside the shop notices. That's more difficult with books, but hey, why not digitize books. If only I could find a way of digitizing rogaliki z nadzieniem wiśniowym, I wouldn't have to pay for them at the baker's.
Yes, it's brusque, it's zgred-like and it's not personally against you only.


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