proszę o sprawdzenie artykułu :c

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Wiem, że nie jest to wypracowanie najwyższych lotów :d

The prophecy
Who would dare not to know titles like 'Gazeta wyborcza', 'Gazeta prawna' or 'Dziennik'. It is common knowledge that through ages reading newspapers became our daily routine. Statistically, more than half of Warsaw's citizens begin their day, if not reading a newspaper while eating breakfast, than in our beloved tube holding a copy of 'Metro'.
On the 9th September 2009 I had a pleasure to attend a conference where a debate on the future of newspapers arose. The conclusion of the meeting would probably not be acclaimed by papers' editors.
Firstly, as it was said, since there is too much focus on trivial news and the lives of celebrities these days, the important issues are being squeezed down. It is hard not to agree with the point, in the age when every single teenager recognizes Adam Darski or Janusz Palikot and even one-third of our population does not know who the head of the Polish Ministry of Defense is. Though, not only the papers should be blamed for the current psyche of our society, but also TV news and the Internet.
The second important subject which disturbed us was that papers will only sell if they print the stories people want to read. It is nothing new that we like to read about... what we like. Yet the knowledge about social, political or economic incidents is still useful, not only in our jobs, but also in our daily conversations , giving us a chance to shine being able to state our opinion basing it on the news' details.
Many argued that papers have to adapt in order to compete with other high-tech media such as the Internet . It is uncontested that the Internet is the fastest source of information. Still, we should remember that our connection to it is still narrow. We are also endangered to become impatient or to have eye strain.
Despite the severe criticism, let us think positively and hope that tradition will manage to peacefully cooperate with technology, as it has happened to this day.


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