moge prosic o pomoc w sprawdzeniu

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czy mozna liczyn na sprawdzenie poprawy ;> zalezalo mi zeby wszystkie zdania byly w past simple, ale w niektorych mi sie nie udalo, czy ewentualnie moglabym prosic o pomoc i wskazanie/poprawe tych zdan? dziekuje z gory!

Her room was in a complete disarray. Blouses and trousers were thrown out of the wardrobe, the bedding was on the floor and the pillow by the desk. Christina went uneasy because before her going out everything was in its right place. She approached to the desk and at the double she started to shout incredibly loud. She noticed that her history homework was gone. She was cross because she had been writing it all yesterday long. She was also so upset because she couldn't find it anywhere. She thought that probably one of her malicious schoolmates had stolen it. She tidied the room and went to sleep. Next day about eight o'clock the lessons started. The first lesson was history. Christina raised her hand to tell the teacher the bad news. However, while she was opening her notebook, she noticed the homework on the one of the pages. She went so glad and remind herself that she had put it there earlier. After she come back home her sister gave Christina's blouse back apologizing for the mess. She said that she necessarily had had to find it yesterday.
wklej oryginal.
Jej pokoj byl w nieladzie. Bluzki i sponie miala powyrzucane z szafy, pościel była na podłodze a poduszka przy biorku. Zaniepokoila się, bo przed wyjsciem wszystko było na swoim miescu. Podeszla do biorka i od razu zaczela niesamowicie krzyczec, gdy zobaczyla ze nie ma jej zadania na historie. Była zla bo pisala je przez caly wczorajszy dzien. Załamała się, bo nigdzie nie mogla go znaleźć. Pomyslalala ze to pewnie jeden z jej złośliwych kolegow okradl ją. Posprzątała pokoj i poszla spac. Nastepnego dnia około godziny 8 zaczely się lekcje. Pierwszą była historia. Christina już podnosila reke by zgłosić nauczycielowi zla wiadomość, kiedy nagle otwierając zeszyt, zobaczyla swoje zadanie w jednej z kartek. Ogromnie się usieszyla i przypomniala sobie ze przeciez je tam wkładała. Po powrocie do domu siostra Christiny oddala jej bluzke przepraszając za balagan, ale pilnie musiala ją znaleźć.
Her room was in a complete disarray. Blouses and trousers HD BEEN thrown out of the wardrobe, the bedding was on the floor and the pillow by the desk. Christina FELT UNEASY because before her going out everything was in its right place. She approached the desk and IMMEDIATELY started to shout incredibly loudLY. She noticed that her history homework was gone. She was cross because she had been writing it all DAY long YESTERDAY. She was also so upset because she couldn't find it anywhere. She thought that probably one of her malicious schoolmates had stolen it. She tidied the room and went to sleep. Next day about eight o'clock the lessons started. The first lesson was history. Christina raised her hand to tell the teacher the bad news. However, while she was opening her notebook, she noticed the homework on one of the pages. She WAS so glad and REMEMBERED that she had put it there earlier. After she cAme !! back home her sister gave Christina's blouse back apologizing for the mess. She said that she had had to find it VERY QUICKLY.

poprawilem czasowniki i niektore inne bledy, pozostawilem pewne niedociagniecia. Sama to pisalas?
Her room was in a complete disarray. Blouses and trousers HD BEEN thrown out of the wardrobe, the bedding was on the floor and the pillow by the desk. Christina FELT UNEASY because before her going out everything was in its right place. She approached the desk and IMMEDIATELY started to shout incredibly loudLY. She noticed that her history homework was gone. She was cross because she had been writing it all DAY long YESTERDAY. She was also so upset because she couldn't find it anywhere. She thought that probably one of her malicious schoolmates had stolen it. She tidied the room and went to sleep. Next day about eight o'clock the lessons started. The first lesson was history. Christina raised her hand to tell the teacher the bad news. However, while she was opening her notebook, she noticed the homework on one of the pages. She WAS so glad and REMEMBERED that she had put it there earlier. After she cAme !! back home her sister gave Christina's blouse back apologizing for the mess. She said that she had had to find it VERY QUICKLY.

poprawilem czasowniki i niektore inne bledy, pozostawilem pewne niedociagniecia. Sama to pisalas?
> The bedding was on the floor and the pillow by the desk.

It's nice, innit ? I like this sentence. Feel a faint tinge of poetry. :)
dziekuje, naprawde. tak, ze slownikiem...xd
>dziekuje, naprawde. tak, ze slownikiem...xd

To czemu tak desperowałaś, że nie potrafisz? Przyszłość przed Tobą, dziewczyno!
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