Pomoc w ulozeniu 11 zdan pilne !!!!!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Napisz 11 zdań (kazde co najmniej powinno zawierac 15 słów) ze slowami podanymi ponizej, slowa podane w punktach musza byc w jednym zdaniu prosze nie przenosic ich do innych linijek.
1. dungeon-sentence-heath
2. still-quite-such
3. hangover-hang aroung-mistake
4. enchanted-boring-encroach
5. bubble gum-dream-bike
6. essential-colourful-faithful
7. marriage-betrayal-sorrow
8. plenty-lack-little
9. fight-job-competition
10.worn out-wothy-tiring
Na czym polegać ma owa pomoc?
w utworzeniu tych zdan wlasnie ;) bardzo prosze jesli ktos moze mi pomoc niech mi chociaz czesc ich utworzy ;)) bd wdzieczny
Na tym FORUM istnieje reguła: Ty piszesz, ktoś pomaga Ci doszlifować pracę. Nikt za Ciebie tego nie zrobi.
Czy moglby mi ktos pomoc rozwinac te zdania tak aby w kazdyb bylo conajmniej 15 slow ? prosze pilnie o pomoc !!!!

1.This sentence is in polish and means "The dungeon is under the heath"
2. I still quite like cars such as Wartburg or Polonez.
3. I have a hangover, because yesterday i've hung over with friends and by mistake i've drunk too much.
4. I encroached into the Inn and was enchanted by Anne, which was the most beautiful girl in this boring place.
5 In my dream, i was riding on bike and chewing bubble gum
6 The essential piece of my religion is colourful place to pray and being a faithful follower.
7. My marriage has declared invalid because of betrayal of my lover after which i felt a big sorrow.
8. A little lack of time today isn't anything annoying as long as you have a plenty of it tommorow.
9. A fight for job is like a competition...
10. It's tiring that the things, that once was worthy and full of coolness, now are just worn out pieces of memories...
11. Suddenly, out of blue, i let the steering wheel turn right and i crashed.


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